Straightforward, science-based, effective.
What’s the difference between the words ‘Achieve’ and ‘Attain’? Based on our data, you are 900% more likely to come across the first one in a spoken conversation. And they mean quite the same. So you need to concentrate on learning the first one in the first place. Just like with thousands of other words, Shortcut will suggest to you to learn only the English vocabulary that makes the most sense for you as a non-native speaker as of today.
Know when the learning torture is over
Shortcut gives you a clear picture of how many new words you need to learn and how much time it will take you to reach an advanced or even a native-like vocabulary size if you review enough words on a daily basis. More important, you will even know when you should stop learning new words on purpose because they are too rare to be actually useful.
No brain freeze when speaking English anymore
With Shortcut, you’ll quickly absorb the most crucial vocabulary that will help you better communicate your ideas and understand native speakers and complex texts. No more awkward pauses and sneak peeks into the dictionary on the go!
Find a shortcut where other people wouldn’t
Keep improving outside your English classes or practice just anywhere to be better prepared for the next lesson or an actual conversation at work. It’s so easy and fun to use!
- Discover 100% of the words that you don’t know yet but should learn to reach a native-like level, sorted by their usefulness
- Study new, unknown words as flashcards in order of their usefulness for a real-world conversation
- Accurately track your progress so you know when you can stop learning new English words forever and so you can be sure that you already know enough words to sound like a native speaker
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