"oh no, another update"
"why do they always have to improve the app?"
"i wish the dev team just stopped doing work"
- said by nobody ever
that's right, we have another update for you. we made lots of bug fixes and small improvements all around the app. this includes some improvements to the visual design, navigation, and performance! thanks to those who provided feedback and helped us test. plus, one super cool addition: ai! when you go to post your song of the day, ensemble's ai integration will now suggest 10 songs based on the daily prompt to get you started.
thanks for all of your support. visit us at ensembleapp.co or email us at info@mysoundapp.com with any questions or feedback.
we've added a feature that lets you know when people unfollow you! just kidding. but we did make some visual updates and fixed a few bugs. let us know what you think and contact us anywhere (info on https://ensembleapp.co).
hey everyone, our last update was meant to fix bugs, and it fixed a lot. however, it accidentally caused users to get ensemble plus for free. we will be letting all users affected keep their lifetime access to ensemble plus.
thank you for supporting our app. visit our website (ensembleapp.co) to report any bugs or provide suggestions!
bug fixes
if you have suggestions, feedback, or just wanna talk, shoot us an email (info@mysoundapp.com) or send a dm (@share_ensemble)
what's the difference between ensemble and the kardashians? we're all getting facelifts, but we're happy to tell you about it! here's a rundown of what has changed:
- changes to the visual design to make it easier on the eyes
- re-wrote some code to make things load faster
- we have *temporarily* removed the recommendations feature. now don't go getting all upset, none of you were using it anyways. it will return after we invest some more time re-imagining a way to make it better
- a new, super special feature for users who get a lot of fires on their song. post some good stuff, and we're sure you'll see what it is!
hey everyone, another major update for you. we made a lot of changes:
- recommendations! once a week, share one song for friends to listen to and recommend similar songs
- ensemble plus, our new premium feature, gives you access to a bunch of stuff regular users don’t get. available for purchase or can be unlocked by inviting a few friends.
- you can now click a song you’ve previously posted and see who has given you their fire of the day.
- new slide controls on the home screen (left and right to go between feed, discover, and recommendations), and downward swipe to dismiss most screens.
- overall facelift and better app navigation
- bug fixes, including sometimes posting to the previous day instead of the current day
we hope you love the update as much as we do. we are always looking for feedback and suggestions, so feel free to talk with us through our website (ensembleapp.co) or dm us (@share_ensemble).
fixed a few non-critical bugs
if you notice any bugs, want to share a suggestion, or have any general feedback, please visit our website (ensembleapp.co) or dm us (@share_ensemble)
hey everyone, lots of changes for ensemble in this huge update! thanks to everybody for your feedback and suggestions. here’s what we did:
- connect your phone number to your account to quickly add contacts on ensemble
- share your profile with a link so it is easier to make friends (even without connecting contacts!)
- captions! finally!
- profiles now show all of your past posts
- discovery got an overhaul
- added a setting to change your profile username
- see how many fires your song got and check if you have already posted a song before
- find more friends by selecting the "friends" icon on other profiles
- more visual improvements and backend changes to make things lightning quick
- lots of pesky bug fixes
if you have ideas, suggestions, feedback, or just want somewhere to vent, visit our website (ensembleapp.co) or dm us @share_ensemble.
we have a big update for you, with lots of visual changes and things behind-the-scenes to make the app better.
- the main interface has been changed to look much better and easier to access
- profiles have been changed, with the ability to showcase yourself better with a bio and pinned songs
- check out a song to see some cool animations
- lots and lots and lots of other cool stuff for you to discover
thank you all for your feedback and suggestions. if you see any issues or want to submit your ideas, visit our website.
- fixed some bugs and crashes
- made the app look prettier
- fixed a bug that caused users to receive duplicate notifications. thanks for all of the reports!
- cleaned up some code to make the app run smoother.
- made some changes that made the app prettier.