F Words Finder French PRO Cheats

F Words Finder French PRO Hack 7.3.19 + Redeem Codes

F Words Finder French PRO

Developer: Rick Jansen
Category: Games
Price: $1.99 (Download for free)
Version: 7.3.19
ID: 7CWG785MZB.WordsFinderFR


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Solve crossword puzzles, cryptograms, Wordfeud, Scrabble™, or just check your spelling. Sort by word length, alphabet or score to find not just the longest words, but the words with the highest score!

Lookup words online or in the local dictionary with a Copy/Define/Lookup online/Mail menu.

Enter the search term to find the word(s) you are looking for with a dot (.) for one letter, and/or an at-sign (@) for multiple letters. More than 400.000 words are included, without the need for an on-line connection.

The anagram search is extended to find single- and multi-word anagrams, and search for more words in the remaining letters. You can share your anagrams with Twitter and e-mail!

Searches are case and diacritic-marks insensitive, type 'etre', and 'être' is displayed too. Diactritics can be typed by holding down a letter 'e', and choosing the 'ê', but also by adding them with the diacritics key of the French keyboard, like 'e' and adding the '^' later. That is also recognised.

No internet connection is required, this App will still help you when you are travelling.

Version history

1. ODS8 word list
2. Dark Mode
3. Corrected the alignment of the score with the sort bar
4. Corrected the remaining letters when using the on-board letters field
5. Slide Over: you can now use the Wordsfinder in front of another app, for example in front of Wordfeud, or a puzzle app! It requires iOS 13, and is only available on iPad.
How to use Slide Over: 1. Make sure Wordsfinder is in the Dock; 2. Open an app; 3. Swipe up from the bottom of the screen to open the Dock; 4. On the Dock, touch and hold the Wordsfinder, then drag it up, to the screen; 5. Position or left or right.

- ODS7 words list added
- fix for wrong underlining of parts of words in iOS13
- when switching the search mode the keyboard will remain active for the main text fields
- you can no longer accidentally type spaces in the fields begins/contains/ends, causing no results displayed
- Web links from the info pages now open in Safari
- the maximum number of words displayed now is 2500, was 1000
- the magnifier shows the text again, while editing, on iOS 11
- a "Clear" now automatically selects the letters field, and the keyboard stays up
Changes for iOS 11
- fixed the monospace font settings
- iOS6: fixed crash when entering letters in "on board" field
- word length selector works again.
- 'contains' in anagram mode now works correctly
- headers added in list of found words
- Lookup words online or in the local dictionary with a Copy/Define/Lookup/Mail/Tweet menu.
- more "iOS7" look (still works with iOS6 and iOS5)
- in Anagram and Wordfeud mode words that exist accented and non-accented are shown just once
- bug fixed with pattern in on-board field and remaining letters
- iOS7 interface (will still work with iOS5 and iOS6 as before)
- added anagram-mode: fixed, to find anagrams of exactly the given length.
- Improved anagram search,
- Find single- and multi-word anagrams,
- Discover more words in the remaining letters.
- Share your anagrams found with twitter and e-mail
- Much faster search for words with missing letters
- when more than 1000 words are found, more long words are included first
- left over blanks are now shown in the remaining letters
- fixed: letters with an accent sometimes were missing from the score
- fixed: on iPad sometimes the "my letters" field was hard to select
- letters used in a pattern in "letters on board" are now automatically considered to be "yours"
- Fix crash with French keyboard
- You can now use a "pattern" in all fields to find words with letters in a specific position, like "..A." will find words with an A in position 3.
- On iPhone the interface will scroll so you can see a longer list of words on the screen.
- improved user interface, with bigger letters, bigger buttons, and clearer word list usage
- faster search
- specific user interface for iPad
- use in "landscape" mode is possible again
- searches are now case and diacritic-marks insensitive, type 'etre', and 'être' is displayed too
- no longer needs to unpack the words at first startup
- display format all upper or all lower case added
- "Define" option added
iPhone 5 support
- small changes
- iPad retina icon
- Bigger letters in the iPad version
- Improved highlighting for letters found for blanks

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