1. Livestock Breeding Calendars Calculator
Using this application you can calculate breeding dates for your live stock. You can set days in the settings screen and it will automatically calculate dates based on the days in the settings screen. Currently you can generate following dates
1.1. Breeding date
1.2. Testing/Platpate date
1.3. Nestbox adding date
1.4. Expected Kindling date
1.5. Weaning date for kits
1.6. Nestbox remove date
1.7. Planned rebreed date
1.8. Kits first vaccination date
1.9. Kits second vaccination date.
3. Keep track of farm machinery
3.1 Add farm machinery purchase information,
3.2 keep track of inspeciton details for each machine
Let us know what would you like to add to the breeding calendar.
Version history
Added fields and crops section. You can now record crop production and land usage.
Now you can keep track of farm machinery and inspection details
fixed icons for dashboard
farm finances managment
Added login and keeping track of livestock animals with their breeding dates. more information is coming soon