Fast Typing Game Cheats

Fast Typing Game Hack 1.0 + Redeem Codes

Test your typing speed ability

Developer: SPLURB
Category: Games
Price: Free
Version: 1.0
ID: com.apparence.octopus


Game screenshot Fast Typing Game mod apkGame screenshot Fast Typing Game apkGame screenshot Fast Typing Game hack


Fast typing game, is a game that will test your writing speed on your phone.
The goal is to write as many words and as quickly as possible!
Who will be the fastest to write the most words?

Fast typing game recovers the number of words you have written and adds it to the ranking, so you can compare yourself to other players!

Several game modes?

Fast typing game, is not just a game of speed of writing words.
Because it has two modes of play:
     1 - The normal mode: it is necessary to write the most words in 60s.
     2 - The reverse mode: it is necessary to write a number of imposed words as quickly as possible.

Several levels of games?

Fast typing game contains several levels, which you will need to unlock.
Here are the different levels of games:
     1 - Name? - A simple list of everyday words
     2 - Inversion? - A simple list of everyday words but in reverse mode
     3 - Numbers - A succession of numbers
     4 - Groups and singers - Groups and singers in reverse mode
     5 - Capitals - Who understand all the capitals of the world.

Would you be the fastest to write the most words?
Do not wait, download and show us what you can do!
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Ways to hack Fast Typing Game

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4 out of 5
3 Ratings


Doesn’t support new iOS swipe keyboard
Aside from the swipe keyboard issue, I was locked out of starting the first level because the first star I was supposedly awarded for adding a nickname didn’t get awarded until I logged out and back in.

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