FastPong is a smart table tennis training board powered by artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning. It uses LED and a real-time feedback system connected to our mobile app. The lighting system divides the board into eight squares of 38cm x 38cm; each square is represented with a grid as a target. When a target lights up, it instructs the user on where to send the ball onto the other end of the table. The board sensors detect a player’s weaknesses and strengths and, after training, our app shows you your performance metrics and scores for your personalised training program.
I don’t play table tennis professionally and I just wanted to try out the table. The app is so easy to use and I feel like even people that don’t really want to train can enjoy playing on the device. I haven’t really been able to return balls in real ping pong before but having a visual target really helps and I feel pretty confident playing against my friends now too. It’s also just a really fun system with games and multiplayer modes. I can see why ping pong players might want to use it to train since it feels like a video game.
Lots of Fun and Improvement
The FastPong application really helped improve my training! The games included were lots of fun, I couldn't stop playing. The multiplayer mode was my favorite, along with the blue vs green game. I could easily see my accuracy and speed improve throught the statistics provided on the application.