First of all, I really like your game. I’m a big fan of dragons, but a lot of this seemed… unrealistic. For example:
- You’re a DRAGON. You should be able to have different elements (fire, earth, air, for instance) and not die immediately when you touch something like water.
- At first, it’s very fun. You can fly, shoot fireballs, escape creepy monster things, etc. But after a little bit, you just get… very bored. You’ve already explored the entire island. You’ve already unlocked all the skins. It leaves you asking, “What now?”
- The terrain and natural features need work. For instance, it’s never night, sunrise, or sunset. There is never thunder, rain, for lightning. There is never other dragons, other animals, and there is a human village… but where are the humans?!? I guess it’s all just very, very confusing.
- Lastly, and probably the most important one, is the lack of creatures. Sure, you have a small nest a short ways away from the island, but those eggs never hatch. You NEVER see other dragons. You NEVER see humans. The only thing you ACTUALLY see are the creepy monsters and… well, your dragon. Shouldn’t there be fish to eat? Birds to soar with? Maybe this doesn’t bother most people, but it is certainly questionable for me.
Again, it’s a very lovely game. Beautiful layout of trees, quiet beaches, and mountains. I would absolutely love to see these changes made to the game, and I’m sure other people would, too. Have a wonderful day!