First of all, this is fantastic game, a niche thing, but I cant get enough of it. I don't say this lightly as I don't really buy game too often, but I would pay for this. That being said, there is no pay option. On top of that, ads pops up WAY TOO OFTEN, literately every move earns you an ad. I understand thats how you make revenue, but most successful game that makes me watch ads is NEVER the one that display them most often. It is the game that i cant get enough of, and ad frequency being a minor inconvenience, so weeks, months go by, i watch 100’s if not 1000’s of 5 or 30 sec for some stupid yet special temporary power up. You have the addicting game, but i am uninstalling on hour 1 because I am tired of how often ads comes on. So you probably got about 10, 15 5-sec ones in me... see what i am getting at? Its a delicate balance between addiction and annoyance... kinda like being charge interest... if they charge you 50% every month, no sane person would ever borrow money.