Eh... Kind’ve pointless
Now before anyone stops reading this, wait. This game was nice for me at first but there are only 2 choices. Campaign and Survival. I tried both and thought- well first of all you get killed very easily- there is no path. I mean by that as like there is a menu, a tutorial to start you off, you get to decide what weapons and skill you have and it is all based from that. You might get to pick what country in WW2 you are fighting for. You get to upgrade things. And overall have a story to follow. But no. This game has none of those things.
Now I thought the campaign would have those things, but pretty much the same thing as survival- you get a gun to shoot at some axis soldiers and you try to survive. And also, what about all the other things in WW2? There were dogs, but that’s it. No tanks, gas grenades, special weapons(like flame throwers), helicopters, shell bombers, trenches. The list goes on. Yet other games have no story and they are still fun because they have weapons and stuff to upgrade and buy. They make you addicted buy making you save up for certain things and have stuff to buy with real money that way there aren’t too many advertisements. They’re also fun because they have a MULTIPLAYER MODE. I MEAN CMON! In total I think this game needs a lot of work and that’s why I say it is pointless to play. It has no meaning for anyone to play. That’s why I’m not going to play it because it is boring.