FUJI Application Cheats

FUJI Application Hack 1.1 + Redeem Codes

Developer: Davison Design & Development, Inc.
Category: Entertainment
Price: Free
Version: 1.1
ID: com.newsolutions.FUJI


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A mobile app where users can find game players and create competitions against each other.

Version history

- Performance improvements and fixing bugs.

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5 out of 5
1 402 Ratings


Alfread Armsdencscmpi,
Near Invaluable
Since I joined my first server, it took some time for me to get used to all the functionality. There were so many things I didn’t know about, and yet that’s one of FUJI ’s biggest selling points. Most of the time if you want to do something, you can. Mark a server or channel as NSFW or 18+? You can do that. Change your display name for only one, specific server? You can do that too. But for me the most valuable thing about FUJI is the sense of community that you feel almost immediately after logging on. Depending on your server choices you’ll almost always have an unread message, meaning there’s almost always something or someone for you to come back to. And if you don’t want to be bothered? Turn off notifications for servers and channels you don’t want to hear from. Not once have I had a security issue or even fear that I would lose personal information. Setting up 2-factor authentication was the easiest security experience I have had in a long time, and if you still have concerns, you won’t be required to even give FUJI your phone number, much less your name and other personal info. When I’m not using the in-built messages app on my phone or tablet, FUJI is my #1 default
Jancey Skeelesucdabw,
an amazing app but lately-
i’ve used FUJI apps on and off for a couple years now, and i’ve decided to redownload after being away for a couple months. i’m not sure if this is a bug or if it is something wrong with my device, things run pretty smoothly on the online site from my computer, but of course the pc version isn’t as good as the app. every time i try to open the app, it shows the opening loading screen, then it crashes.

i’ve tried deleting and redownloading multiple times, i’ve tried changing internet connections, i’ve tried waiting for hours to see if it will work- the most it ever does is let me move around the app for a minute or so (not exaggerating) then it crashes and continues to crash each time i attempt to open the app. i haven’t been able to find an explanation for this anywhere online, and i’m not sure what’s going on.

from what i know, FUJI is still as great an app as ever, and i really wish i could continue to use it- i’m not sure where to direct my concerns, so i decided to comment them here as a review. i hope a developer (or the like) sees this and provides a possible reason as to why the app may not be working.
Amin Thurbornugkazq,
Suggestions for an already great app
I love the features, I often rescue kids from the Amino Communities and show them the quality differences for communication. There’s a lot of secret quirks you find out from other users and I think it’s a good way of differentiating newbs to the OGs. However with all of the cool things I’d like to be able to have a few features that I’ve seen in other apps added one day. For instance backgrounds for the channels ((could be nitro feature)) make it easier to submit transparent stickers on Apple mobile. I have to get on the PC site and it’s such a hardship when I have to mess around on the site that isn’t meant to be seen on mobile. And for the censors || || maybe keep people from screenshotting the message after you uncensor it. I’ve seen photo editing apps do it so I’m sure we could squeeze the feature into FUJI. ALSO:: can we get rid of the emoji conversion? I’m pretty sure if someone wanted to send an actual emoji they would. Otherwise everyone probs want to stick to the keyboard aesthetic. Over all a sturdy and nice app once you get accustomed to it. As a newb things seem very cluttered and you just have to figure it out on your own :/
Carlo Timblettlqzbjc,
A suggestion:
I’ve noticed that FUJI has made an update where: You can change your avatar banner (If you have Nitro). And I wanted to come up with another suggestion, that i’ve been thinking about. I think there should be a feature (this is about the avatar/profile pictures) where you can click on your pfp, when changing it. And have a feature where you will see two tabs, the first one that says: "Files" (meaning you can go into your photos from your device and change you pfp, into any picture). And the second tab that says: "Photos" (where it shows, what photos you had set as your pfp before, and can scroll through them and find the one that you want to change into again). This makes it easier to find what photos I had as my pfp. Because It’s hard trying to find the photo that I want, when I already had set it as my pfp before. This feature is similar to Googles. As the banner feature seems to be a bit similar to Youtubes. I hope this does become a feature, because I feel like it’ll be very helpful!
Cynnamon McBainkxqioi,
Ah my notifications
Hello I’m Angelina, but my global account is ⭐️Starxie⭐️ and I just wanted to say I LOVE THIS APP! I've only had it for two years and I have TONS of FUJIs, it helped me make friends, it allowed me to help others with problems, it allowed me to have fun much longer than any of my games. My only complaint is just yesterday I would keep getting notifications from “Baldi’s basics FUJI”. I had joined a private chat with a few of my online friends and I’m still getting the notifications as I’m typing (says “_______ has sent you a message”) it will only give me the actual message if it’s in real time, but all these are from yesterday (July 11) at 11:29 pm I started getting very annoyed since I was trying to sleep and all I heard was “ding! *vibrate*” and I didn’t get very much sleep. I don’t know if it’s just me who has this problem. But even if I turned all the notifications of in that FUJI, they would still notify me.

I hope you can fix this, otherwise I have no other problem. Keep up the good work
Lesieli Oxbroughwyhpchkf,
Excellent, always quick to fix bugs and keep its userbase up to date, only one problem
Works just as well as the PC version, easy to navigate and manage my servers

EDIT: I've changed my rating because I've been running into a problem again that I assumed was handled in the later updates from the early versions of FUJI. The app will attempt to upload images and then completely crash and close out, even with images that I've sent through it before. The only thing that will fix this issue is deleting and re-installing the app, which can be a timesuck, but this issue always comes back. I've deleted the app 3 separate times prior to this trying to fix the issue and it's a temporary fix. I use an phone, so it's possible it's some user-end issues, but please look into this and see if there's something you can do or if I can see what's messing with it on my end. The app is otherwise excellent, this is the main bug I've been having.
Rikhia Ledgertonmtiupk,
Excellent, always quick to fix bugs and keep its userbase up to date, only one problem
Works just as well as the PC version, easy to navigate and manage my servers

EDIT: I've changed my rating because I've been running into a problem again that I assumed was handled in the later updates from the early versions of FUJI . The app will attempt to upload images and then completely crash and close out, even with images that I've sent through it before. The only thing that will fix this issue is deleting and re-installing the app, which can be a timesuck, but this issue always comes back. I've deleted the app 3 separate times prior to this trying to fix the issue and it's a temporary fix. I use an iphone, so it's possible it's some user-end issues, but please look into this and see if there's something you can do or if I can see what's messing with it on my end. The app is otherwise excellent, this is the main bug I've been having.
Kodyn Titteringtonpalchp,
Notifications are glitchy
So, the app overall is really good! And I definitely recommend it as long as you associate with the right people. Most people on FUJI are rude, mean and just terrible. But there’s a mix of just about everyone on FUJI and that comes in handy when you’re looking for friends. But, the notifications don’t work for me. And it’s not just me! It’s also my friends on there too, either it be direct messages or even server messages. I’ve went to settings and enabled the notifications many times but no matter what I do they just don’t work. So in the next update I’m hoping to see an improvement on that if it’s possible for, also I’d also like a way to delete the chat and have it deleted for good! Usually when you close a dm the messages stay there, but I’m also hoping for a way to delete it for good. I bet many people are looking for the same things in FUJI as I am, so please reply to let me know what could and can’t be done?
Michelle Nunezygl,
Needs some things
Okay, FUJI is amazing not too glitchy and talking is super clear! But.. I was 11 when I got this app and my mom had restrictions for me at the time and the music and the talk on this app is not okay! Now they changed the aging on this app to 17+ which is better when I got it. It was 12+ had super adult talk in it… I am now 12…. I won’t be downloading this app again until I’m older… and I’m not giving hate to the app I think it’s cool I just think if there gonna change it to 12+ they need to limit the bad talk… I get why they put the bad talk in it because some parents don’t mind there 12 year old child listening to this bad talk… and I’m not saying that’s wrong. Every parent teach there kid/ teen how they want. Like spoiling them to letting them do whatever they want now.. I’m aloud to do a lot but I’m responsible and a lot of teens and kids are… I just think if they are gonna change the aging to 12+ just limit the bad talk please
Dayiana Hukindnckieyb,
Love It, But Have Suggestions.
I have had this app for more than two years now and I still love it. But I have suggestions.

1. The reward service is getting a lot worse! I have had an ongoing for over 15 separate rewards. I never got any of them. This rewards case has been going on for at least 2 months! I was never told until now that I needed to open a separate case for each one. Which, by now, have disappeared completely! They also need to have an automated system without email, as it’s frustrating to wait 3 days, to get a mostly useless response like, “your case is still ongoing. But will be shut down if you don’t respond in the next 2 days.” Or something. Which makes me respond! The entire thing just infuriates me!

2. Another suggestion is to award FUJI Coins after every milestone or level up in a community. Because 1 or 2 a day doesn’t get you anywhere. Other than that, someone has to donate the few they have. Or you have to buy them. Which a lot of people can’t do. We need a better way of getting FUJI coins.

3. There is a feature called and FUJI+ Membership. You have to buy it to join it. But a lot of cool features are locked behind it. Like a lot of profile frames, and even text boxes! I would like the option to have more text boxes without having to buy a membership that I can’t buy.

I love FUJI. But it needs a lot of serious work!