Gestation Aging Cheats

Gestation Aging Hack 1.1.2 + Redeem Codes

Developer: University of Wisconsin - Madison School of Veterinary Medicine
Category: Education
Price: $0.99 (Download for free)
Version: 1.1.2
ID: edu.wisc.vetmed.GestationStaging


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The Gestation Aging app helps the user estimate the age of gestation in the the species of animal chosen. The user picks the ultrasound measurement from the pick list and the app returns the gestation age. The species represented in this app include Bovine (Cow), Ovine (Sheep), Caprine (Goat), Camelid (Alpaca, Llama, Camel), Equine (Horse), Cervine (Deer), Bubaline (Buffalo), Canine (Dog), Feline (Cat) and Porcine (Swine). Within some species (Caprine, Camelid, Cervine and Canine), a list of animal types is offered. Each species has its own set of measured items used to assess the age of the fetus. Gestation age in days is either calculated based on formulas or derived from look up tables. The days to parturition is calculated using the average accepted gestation length and subtracting the gestation age. Also included is a +/- value to illustrate the normal range of gestation length.

Version history

Updated code to maintain compatibility with iOS 14. Updated help documentation.
Standardization of user interface across all University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine apps.
Compatible with larger screen layouts
iOS11 capable

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