Girls & boys learning abc with educational games Hack 1.0

Developer: Naphat Kanana
Category: Education

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Girls and boys leaning abc with educational games combines six very useful games for youngsters.
This game is for kids; Read ABC, A to Z , letters, Phonics, animal and voices is a nice and fun way to teach.
Teacher who that designed and developed for 3, 4, 5, 6 years old preschool children.

The boys and girls will love this game, your children will love and a long time to funny with them.

Easy to play, Your child can play everywhere if he wants.

The game not only make your child is funny, them have a motivate and effect reward for help that children to success of IQ & EQ development.

Download today for free! and funny to play!

Game UI assets designed to fit both smartphones and tablets.

The Learning Educational's games of on the set include:

I. Read A to Z
1.Letters ;
2.Phonics ;
3.Animal ;

II. Learn to Write
1.Learn To Write ;
2.Fill Color ;

III. Pattern
1.Dots to dots ;
2.Sequences ;

IV. Find Correct Image
V. Puzzle
Vi Quiz ?