I began learning about Christ & the Bible at a very young age. Grew up going to a variety of churches (& denominations), across N. America, in spurts off & on.
So at a young age I genuinely formed a close bond with the Lord as my Savior.
Then, as is typical unfortunately, through my teens & young adult years i began to betray him. Slowly drifting further & further away, selfishly seeking God ONLY during personal times of need. Rather than worshiping & doing his will.
I take the blame for all of that, unequivocally!
However, even before those “drifting years”, i more & more became turned off, & distant, not in my personal relationship w/God, but towards religion/the church/worship/etc., due to DENOMINATION, denominational status, the denominator tag in the name on the marquee of each church building.
Ultimately the fundamental promotion of division, wearing the beard of Christ.
This very internal conflict has all these years caused me to remain distant & cautiously speak openly about my own
Faith, & now strong relationship with my savior.
I am so grateful, happy, & proud of The Locke Pastoral Family for so much. And as trivial as it might sound to many, core amongst reasons for my gratitude is; their courage to openly share what i have known in my heart all these years.
Greg Lock aint perfect but i dont need him to be & he never claims to be…. But he is a leader & is The EXAMPLE, all pastors should strive to be for their congregation & the world & The Father.