Land on as many platforms as you can in this difficult precision-platformer. Charge your jump enough to land on the platforms, but not for too long. Break a platform and it's game over. Enjoy the game ;^).
Version history
-Reduced lag for devices running at 120Hz
-Swiping to swap Gorilla skin works as intended
-Removed Black Bar at the bottom of Main Menu
-Updated Splash Image
-Added new skin for reaching 100
-Fixed a fade bug
-Fixed a bug with yellow platforms
-Screen is slightly more zoomed in (Important for screen shake)
-Shortened the restart after pressing restart button
-Restart Fade is slightly cleaner
-Other Transitions are slightly faster
-Fixed issue with platforming scaling when progressing. Above 80 was essentially impossible
-Oranges will appear less frequently early on
-Swiping Gorllia to change skins is easier to do