Guns and Spurs 2 Cheats

Guns and Spurs 2 Hack 1.0.1 + Redeem Codes

An Open-World Western

Developer: Athanasios Rogkas
Category: Games
Price: Free
Version: 1.0.1
ID: com.frozenlakegames.GnS2


Game screenshot Guns and Spurs 2 mod apkGame screenshot Guns and Spurs 2 apkGame screenshot Guns and Spurs 2 hack


Guns and Spurs 2 is a third person open-world shooter game that takes place in the Old West.

Jack Lane is a bounty hunter that just arrived in town to find a better life by doing what he does best, tracks down and captures wanted outlaws and turn them in for money.

Explore a vast open world set in the Old West featuring beautiful vistas like mountains, forests, rivers and towns filled with life and activities.

Become a bounty hunter and capture 33 of the most wanted criminals of the West. Use your weapons to defend yourself or equip your lasso to capture the outlaws. Dead or alive the choice is yours.

Take part in various activities including horse races, delivering goods, cattle herding and more, all right from the start. Find strangers on your way and decide if you will help them or not.

Customize your character and your horse with a wide selection of clothes, hats and horse skins.
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Cheat Codes for In-App Purchases

Item Price iPhone/iPad Android
20000 Cash
(20000 in-game money)
IE319377191✱✱✱✱✱ 18D2BE7✱✱✱✱✱
2500 Cash
(2500 in-game money)
IE285996715✱✱✱✱✱ D2C62BD✱✱✱✱✱
6000 Cash
(6000 in-game money)
IE910315458✱✱✱✱✱ 4AC42D4✱✱✱✱✱
Remove Ads
(Remove all in game Advertisements)
IE442178613✱✱✱✱✱ 029E9EA✱✱✱✱✱

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4 out of 5
196 Ratings


Has potential but too many bug(update)
This could be a fun game but it is so chock full off bugs it makes it not fun. Every time it screws up you have to quit to the menu and restart the missions. And the graphics are NOTHING like the photos, almost no color but sand for the most part and yes I looked in the settings and nothing changes and it’s not my iPad. I have a iPad mini 5. Fix this game and then I’ll change my rating

Update: ok I can’t explain what happened but the review I did above it turns out is wrong and I wanted to fix it with this update. The only reason I did not just rewrite it is because if someone else has the same issue I want them aware of it. As I described above, what I played was nothing like the pictures shown of the game WHEN I FIRST PLAYED IT! However, when I restarted my game by clicking on ‘new game’ in stead of continue I got an entirely DIFFERENT GAME! The graphics are really beautiful, the game play is smooth and fast so I like this version MUCH BETTER! The only thing I can think that happened is somehow the first version of the game started and restarting it kicked the the version 2 in. It doesn’t make a lot of sense, I know, but that is what happened so if you get the game and you see an ugly, choppy game, exit out and start a new game and that should fix it.
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Needs more things to do
It’s kinda fun but there needs to be more stuff to do. Mostly just collecting bounties so kinda boring. You do the same couple of tasks for strangers. I thought the more expensive horses would have higher/stronger stamina but they’re all the same. Doesn’t make sense that you can collect guns from people you kill when they just sit in inventory. Also, there’s a big glitch - you can buy stuff with money collected in-game but if you don’t save and you get yourself killed, the money replenishes but you can still equip all items you bought so after collecting a certain amount of money, you can go get killed and get all your money back and still have all your inventory. Why can’t I buy property at the other places on the map besides Hopeland. Why can’t I go into Sheriff’s offices in other towns besides just Hopeland? Would be cool if there were other interactive parts to the game like talking to people, building campfires, or even claiming or buying land to build up a town of your own and eventually become your town’s sheriff. All in all, great game for free, especially when there are barely any ads.
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Missing some things i would like to see but an ok game
See,i was looking for a game like rdr2 on mobile
Bc im not spending 45$ on stadia for a game ill only play every once in a while,so i ran across this game and thought i ought to give it a shot,and the second i started the tutorial everything went downhill,i would do what the guy would tell me and eventually i got to the part where he tells me to get in cover position,now when i was playing the game for the first time,i was like,”ok,no problem”,so i got in cover position and the game freezes,I deleted it for a couple months then redownloaded it to try again,my game crashed again,i tried again,same result,i tried 5 minutes ago,same result,now,I figured out how to play the game without playing the tutorial,from there,my only complaint,like the others,is the lasso issue,otherwise,great game,pls make a 3rd
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hanfbaldbwkf b,
So much potential
I downloaded this game a couple of days ago because of my crazy addiction to Red Dead Redemption 2. I saw the reviews and decided I’d check out the game myself. I didn’t have any of the issues that others had, but I still felt it lacked something. The difference between this and a masterpiece is, yes a lot. But it is still very doable. Other than gunshots and the music in the tavern, there is no sound. Nothing to make the player feel like they are in the wild west. No footsteps, no Western Music, no talking, no anything. Also ifDevelopers had more complex missions the game would be great.
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HaMa Yavariii,
Believe me amazing
I started to give this game 5 star because have too many things and too many easter eggs for example the ghost of twin rocks and the 🦖 head , and have too many weapons and clothes and horses but just need more mission and fix the bug and make it more regular, if this game get more update I believe that it can be like red dead I believe that too many people will download please update it and let the character jump alone and also with the horse too and be free to go to somewhere in the game and let the character swim and go inside boats 🚣‍♀️ really need a big update we are all waiting for the updates
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Game has potential
Like the title says, maybe give us an option to play roleplay with friends. Be able to access the Sheriff’s Station/Cell. Also in Hopeland let that be the main station, it’d be cool to see the actual outlaws you capture actually be in jail. In overall, it’s a pretty cool game but it’s just missing more action and be able to play with friends, it gets boring after a while all alone..
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please check out my review T-T,
I actually like it but…
I actually like it but it would be nice if there were more towns and different houses to buy, also if there was a multiplayer where you can invite your friends, that would be cool. And maybe if we could edit our characters looks lol cause I’m a girl I mean I don’t mind being a guy lol it would be really cool if we could name our pets too I haven’t bought a house yet so idk if it’ll let me actually like decorate it or something haha I’m saving up for the somewhat larger house all the way across the map haha this game has amazing potential can’t wait to see what it’ll be like a few years from now! ☺️
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Red dead redemption
When I first got this game I thought it looked like Red dead redemption and it was!!
Thank you game developers! When I first got it I thought it was horrible the reviews were pretty bad when I first got it but they’re way better now this game is amazing it’s red dead redemption free roam there are brownies but I would like one thing if you added like more bounties and that stuff you had in more missions more guns than I would probably be amazing but otherwise a scam is amazing I recommend that you buy it.
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It could be really good but...
Okay so this game would be awesome if you added these things: female villains. Like what is up with that? There are only male villains and they all look like the same guy! Being able to lasso and hogtie NPCs. Like that was mostly what I was hoping for when I got this! Also if you adding being able to hogtie NPCs I mean like the civilians also make them actually look hogtied and give it a hogtie animation. A story: this game was fun for a little bit but it didn’t really have a story. Overall this game was okay...I uninstalled it in a day though
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I expected this to be a red dead ripoff but when I loaded in I was actually suprised. There was a whole map and it was huge, pretty good fun variety, same with the clothing and horses, and there’s even twin rocks from the red dead games. I only wished there were actual missions to do if you get bored of bounty hunting or herding cattle. Other than that it’s a great game. Please make guns and spurs 3.
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