The Harford County Public Library app is your portal to the library's services from your mobile devices. Check your account, search the catalog, use your digital library card, renew items, check out ebooks from OverDrive and get the latest recommended reads suggestions.
Summary and detailed descriptions are at your fingertips, plus reviews and lists of similar items.
All our events are shown in the app and you can filter by location, age and event type.
Want to check whether we have a book you've just seen in a café? You can scan the book's barcode and we'll check whether any branches have it. And if not you can request we purchase it.
Our location finder shows you the nearest branch to where you are. You can see opening hours at a glance and get directions to any of our 11 library branches.
Access digital content - ebooks, audiobooks, music, movies, magazines and more with quick links to apps from Overdrive, Axis 360, Freegal, Hoopla, Zinio, Freading and OneClick digital. For OverDrive you can check out and read or listen to ebooks all from within the app.