Literally drop your coffee and buy this. You can clean up later.
I'm just getting started with this app, but my first impression: omg omg omg I love it. Then I started using the simulation and the reading the text and my critical eye did start to get the better of me, but I am still thrilled. Really, honestly excited. I haven't been this excited with an app since I got the AnestAssist PK/PD app. First gripe: I want a way to read the textbook in landscape view. Turning to landscape view automatically shifts to the simulation… so, as far as I know, you must read the textbook in portrait mode. This is no good for me…. I read all my iPad text in landscape. I can't have my iPad in its keyboard dock *and plugged in* when in portrait mode. It would be nice to have some kind of swipe or toggle that takes you to sim mode when already reading the text in landscape mode.
Simulation: You can manipulate a *lot* of things, from basic hemodynamic parameters to crazy things I have never even been taught (systemic proximal aortic characteristic impedance?), and see the effect of those changes on a pressure volume loop, a time plot of chamber and vessel pressures, and a "Outputs" screen that lists an exhaustive array of hemodynamic measurements. I'd like to see more of the Wiggers diagram here, like the option to view valve opening and closure and heart sounds. I'd like to be able to choose a *wide* variety of conduction abnormalities and arrhythmias along with a view that shows an ECG waveform along with the other time plots (able to choose between all 12 leads + R heart and posterior leads). I'd like a much, much more robust list of preset parameters representing a variety of pathological states. I'd like more therapeutic interventions to choose from, including all common intravenous and inhalational anesthetics and giving fluids….. I'd like to be able to input my patient's age, height and weight and then view outputs indexed to BSA. I probably have a ton more stuff on the wish list but I just haven't used it enough yet!
Textbook: There was no real detail about the cardiac action potentials and the ionic basis of excitation, the discussion of cardiac anatomy is nearly nonexistent and so on… but most people buying this app are probably familiar with this content already. Plenty of time is spent on the determinants of pressure volume relationships….. with cool embedded animations, of course! I really need to stress that these embedded animations are AWESOME. Many are interactive, too.
Only the first of several planned texts is available at this time, and all future texts will likely require another purchase. I'd like to know the projected timeline for release of the future texts, too. If all are purchased, the complete app/book combo will likely be well over $100. I hope the simulation portion will continue to be updated in parallel with the texts.
If you're a geek for this kind of thing then I would blow the $30 right this second. It's really awesome. I have already recommended this to everyone in my class, as we are just beginning 1.5 months of cardiac physiology. If you just want to understand this stuff only so you can pass an exam, then I would pass this up and get a used hard copy of Mohrman and Heller or something. If you want to see this stuff come to life, however, then buy it now!!