Welcome to the Healing Family Grief App, a place where you will be supported fully to find peace and purpose in your life. If you are grieving after a significant loss, struggling to find your breath and just want to find some peace and a way to move forward with some sense of purpose, the B.R.E.A.T.H.E. Coaching Model for Grief will provide you with the tools and support to help you step off the rollercoaster of emotions onto a stable path of healing.
If you are an overwhelmed caregiver looking for some balance between caring for your family and taking care of your own wants and needs, we know that it is very important to put your own oxygen mask first and the B.A.L.A.N.C.E. Coaching Model for Caregivers will provide you with actionable tools to to help you create the much-needed support for YOU.
Finally, if you have thought about being a support to others in their grief because of your own lived experience, or you are a helping professional looking for tools to help your clients and increase your own knowledge and confidence level working with the bereaved, The Confident Grief Coach program gives you access to everything you need to successfully support your clients and community.