This app has many details that make it clear the author at least understands how the game is played — but somehow still manages to be worse than just writing scores on paper.
You have to re-enter player names any time the app is quit. Most of us play with regular groups so this is agggravating.
The scoring buttons are at kind of weird intervals and there’s no check to ensure scores add up to 26 at each hand, which is a pretty major fail.
Scores aren’t broken out by hand, you just have a running total. So you can’t look back and see things like, “oh, bob’s score is so low because he scored zero in the last four hands.”
The interface is reasonably nice, but in my iPhone 8 the elements get jumbled together at the top. It feels a bit like an abandoned app.
Instead of this app, use “hearts scoreboard” which has none of these problems.