Your first level should be a bit Easter you have it so hard I counted it took me about 100times to pass it u should be slot Easter so please make it easier for the kids that down life this under 12 thank you i I think you are a very good company
Helix Jump Color Ball,
This game is a little challenging and not as fun as the real Helix Jump. It involves a lot of practice and even then it’s still hard. It’s not a game I would go around telling everyone about because it’s not one of those fun games that I would just sit down a play for like an hour or so. It’s more stressful and irritating than fun and enjoyable.
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I love did am not so at home and then
Going on my t you know can I get you to
How awesome it was to win
It felt so good to win because the game is hard and it feels good to win
pepa lick me,
Helix color ball
This Game is very fun but it can be very challenging also
The wort game ever
It literally would give me ads while i was playing like whoever made this made the worst game in human history,
I like play the helix color ball
The game is spiral zigzag. Very good and fun!
Im a kid
soooooooo the controls areeeeee interesting…… But once u know how to do it, it is rlly fun