Herald helps people explore careers in sewn goods and connects jobseekers to opportunities based on the skills you demonstrate in the app. Learn machine set
up, parts, machine repair and maintenance, and what to expect
on the job. As you move through the modules, Herald will suggest nearby jobs that match your skills.
Version history
Minor bug fixes and performance improvement.
- Gamification Lessons
- Embedded Video Lessons
- Notifications updates
- Performance improvement
- Improvement in Learning Centre UI/UX
- Adding of Completion icon upon lesson completion
- Gamification Lessons
- Embedded Video Lessons
- Notifications updates
- Performance improvement
- Improvement in Learning Centre UI/UX
- Adding of Completion icon upon lesson completion
Welcome to Version 1.1. We make frequent improvements to the app. We have improved the below things in the current version.
- Bug Fixes
- Background performance improvement