The game is good, and I’m not telling you that it isn’t bad. But first of all, I tried saying hi to those people holding weapons (location is the back of the school and you can see them), they are randomly customized and not the same every time you play it. I pressed ‘Y’ and greeted them, right now, they have “❗️” marks on the top of their heads, I was confused, then I started trolling around, running in circles and crouching, they try to run to me, when she/he came close to me, THEY KILL ME! I was like, “what did I even do? Did I disrespect you?” . Second of all, teachers, yep, teachers. When I greet them, they don’t do anything (it’s a bit weird to me lol-). And while I was at the soccer field, I picked up a soccer ball, run to the teacher and stand in front of her, suddenly, she started trying to kill me! What’s wrong?? Can somebody tell me?