I'm a home schooling mom. Last year I spent countless hours and quite a few dollars looking for the perfect grade book app...and never found it. They were either geared toward schoolteachers and too complicated, or one was too simple, or they didn't sync across devices, etc. I wound up using an online site (which IS good, but does not have an app nor mobile site so mobile use is tricky), but again this year went searching. There were only a couple new things. Tried one...NOT very intuitive to me. Found this one...geared toward homeschoolers, and was THRILLED. Paid the fee and got started. The pros: it is geared around each student rather than a classroom full of students. It Mostly makes sense how to enter information. Cons: It is very buggy. I have tried entering my kids' swim classes three times, M, T, W, R. It has the option to set up the weekly recurrence, but when I'm done it is only set for every Monday, for example. It really HATES it if you have the app open on another device and keyboard will NOT function properly. They did warn about this in the instructions. When I try to add the subject to a new assignment it ALWAYS grabs the one immediately above it and I have to open the drop down menu again, tap it again, and then it enters the proper subject.
Final verdict: I feel this app has massive potential for homeschool teachers, but the bugs need to be worked out First. I am very hopeful the developers work the kinks out because I really want to use this for our coming year.
Oh, I was disappointed (ok, annoyed) that I could not find a place within the app to report my difficulties.