The locker room is sacred to every athlete. But that doesn’t make it safe. Mental health in sport isn’t widely understood, which explains the lack of sport-specific mental health discussion and intervention.
Like any other untreated injury, athletes can develop serious life-long mental health issues that are exacerbated by their involvement in sport.
MindfulAthletics has been on the front lines of the growing focus and acceptance of mental health issues for athletes and the impact on sport performance.
The Hone app is grounded in research and based on the great success and insight MindfulAthletics has accumulated while working with high-performance athletes in team workshops and one on one sessions.
By providing organizations and coaches with athlete-specific mental health recommendations, teams can rise above these challenges and become higher performing groups and individuals. Hone will create the opportunity for more accountability and collaboration between organizations, coaches, and athletes, ultimately improving the culture of sport.