Description is a next generation news source designed to connect the global family of those who love Ole Miss and Oxford. An all-digital alternative to print publications, HT provides in-depth news, sports, entertainment, blog and business coverage in a multi-media format that is constantly being updated for readers who demand timely, up-to-the-minute information. This mobile app allows you to view the full range of content easily and conveniently from your smartphone. In addition, you can also view our Experience Oxford guide to get up-to-date information on dining, shopping, nightlife and living in Oxford, as well as access our Double Decker festival guide.
App features include navigation buttons that take you directly to lead stories and our arts and entertainment, sports, news, business and community calendar categories. Other buttons allow for easy navigation and viewing of our Experience Oxford and Double Decker guides. In addition, you can search the HT database to retrieve stories independently.