I love how it doesn’t have ads but the game is pretty plain. You don’t have to but I think it would be good to have a catalog where you can be male or female and stuff. Also what can I do with the money in game? There’s nothing to spend it on.
10/10! Some things i think should be added!
Hi! I LOVE this game! And no adds is a pleasure. But.. can there be different maps? And a home bar. So you can unlock charters (Buy them with the money you collect in game, level up for them.) And also, for the some bar there should also be were you can switch genders. I wanted to be a girl in the game, but i could not. So i think adding wich gender u wanna be would go great! And maybe harder levels. Like level 11 should be hard or 9. Over all its a great game. But i’m just saying (NO hate!) These should be added! A lot more people would like the game this way. Anyways, thats it stay safe bye!!
This game may have some flaws but it’s pretty ok!
I love what they did to the models, the fleshy and skeleton bits, and how it degenerate when you touch a red virus or any and regenerate muscle ans bones when you touch green, this game is ok in my book, and a bonus for not barrageing me with ADS
Gerardo origami ninja,
Add girl skin now
Please add the a girl skin because I think some girls play this game
Read this if you are the one who made the game
Can you tell me your social media account name please