Anyone who knows me knows I am a word game fanatic! Sometimes I rock them, sometimes not so much, so,times I bomb completely! For better or worse…I love them! LoL
This is a great game! I love how you can create any words/any length & however many you want to within the time limit! If you utilize the letters well, you do well. If your brain freezes up … or you have to stop a hundred times bc everyone just so happens to need you at that exact moment or the world may stop…(happens with me often! ) well, too bad! You lose! While it frustrates me in the moment, I completely understand not being able to truly pause.. & you should not bc there are unfortunately too many cheaters in the world and it ensures fair gameplay!! (Which I respect…even if it works against me!) This is An awesome game and I find myself coming back for more even if there are not enough people to get matched with in my bracket! I also enjoy challenging myself to find more words with particular letter groups. Thanks guys! Ohhh and another cool game would be a Tyler Shark remix or the same concept within the space theme… where you have sharks or space ships or ufo’s with partial words on them and blank spots … the objective being to fill in the blanks for the words as fast as you can.., getting progressively harder &/or faster as time passes!?
: )