Intermittent fasting is a powerful life-hack tool with many health benefits. It is an eating pattern in which you cycle between periods of eating and not eating (fasting). Intermittent fasting has powerful health benefits for your body and brain and has been used since ancient times. Intermittent fasting improves metabolic functions and affects cells, genes and hormones. As well as strengthen the microbiome and the gut barrier lining. It makes eating more simple, while detoxing and purifying the body. Autophagy comes into play with fasting, and this is an important cellular renewal process and cleansing. Autophagy is the foundation of intermittent fasting and powerful tool for holistic health, anti-aging and disease prevention. Some of the health benefits of intermittent fasting:
Weight loss
Insulin resistance
Cellular health
Heart health
Brain health
Increased energy
Longevity / Aging
Hormonal balancing
Increased Growth Hormone
Mental clarity
Positive mood
Preventive healthcare
Holistic health
Version history
We are living in powerful times! what a great opportunity to feel as strong and healthy as we can. To navigate ourselves to our highest and most optimal selves, body, mind and spirit.
We are living in powerful times! what a great opportunity to feel as strong and healthy as we can. To navigate ourselves to our highest and most optimal selves, body, mind and spirit.
In response to user input - improved functionality and calendar behavior.
I love its simplicity ~ and learning about the incredible healing functions of intermittent fasting. This app has helped me stay focused on the timing of my meals and I feel in much better health since I started intermittent fasting.
Intermittent fasting is powerful
I’m new to intermittent fasting and can’t wait to do more. What a great way to prevent disease and optimize the body and mind!
yogie :),
Robb kidd
Love this app super easy to use and has a clean interface
Carey I,
Easy to use!
I love how easy it is to track your fasting daily and monitor progress. Great app!
Dr. Svetlana,
Fasting is a powerful tool.
Everyone should know about the healing powers of intermittent fasting.
Very grateful for this knowledge.
Thank you.
Awesome health hack!
Loving this simple and inspiring app! Everybody should learn about and use intermittent fasting. Super powerful for body, mind and soul :)