If you could add the horizontal videos that would be awesome for videos and allow for some well made memes
Love it but confused
So I like how this app not only shows what emojis would look like on camera, but why does it crash when you press suggest experience for iFunnycam, I feel like this is a joke I don’t get but I would appreciate it being explained.
autism dude,
Great but....
This app is really cool but I feel like some features should be added to make it even better. IFunny should make it be able to post the pic or video straight to the iFunny app or even connect your iFunny account to this app. Once connected you can view random or your subscriptions posts.
Shark attaack908,
EmojiDong here
So I actually did not try out the app yet but I am here to tell you peeps that normie memes are the infection of the world. We need to stop this before it spreads to a point of no return. Copy and paste this emoji image on every iFunny post to stop Monroe’s from invading us. You are the front lines of this plaque and it is up to you to put an end to it. If we all work together, normie memes will be eradicated and the world will be at peace.
☁ 🚁 ☁
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Needs some work
While the graphics look realistic, the functionality of it still needs work. I cannot spin around my AR image, and it scatters around the place rather than stay in one spot.
The slime king,
Long time iFunny user. When I saw text, I realised what must be done. I put FRINGE and took a picture. Not dissapointed at all.
Needs more
An Input image/gif option would be nice.
Needs something to make it’s self different than all the other AR cameras.
I suggest the clown emoji 🤡🤡. Why does it crash when I try to suggest something?
J Beidler,
Odd but fun! My wife swears by Snapchat, I’m about to drop this on her!