- Minor bug fixed.
- UI Improved
- Manual Sign Up bug fixed
- Performance Improved
- Added Apple Sign In, Google and Facebook login functionality
- UI/UX Improved
- Fixed Bugs
- Performance Improved
- Improved CarPlay experience
* UI Improved
* Fixed minor bugs
* Performance Improved
- Two sub apps introduced: Quiz and Opinion now available to iLinkin users
Quiz: It is time based sub app to improve English vocabulary.
Opinion: Your opinion matters on any type issues faced by community
Vote: User can vote on any solutions related to community issues
Feedback: User experience feedback is implemented for better future features
- Improved UI
Navigation Bar: Bottom navigation bar added to facilitate more icons links to sub apps for easy accessibility.
Active Icon: The active app which runs on background has same color as theme
Theme: More color themes are added to have more choices
- Updates on previous sub apps (music, video and radio):
Auto: User have option to auto on/off when music, radio or video segments are open
Share: User can share any item in playlist to any other user
Offline: Enjoy music offline when internet is not available
Favorite: easy way (heart icon) to add items from playlist to your favorites
Request: Request your favorite tracks
- User Interface is re-designed for better user experience.
- New local events functionality is added to promote local social events.
- Now user have the option to listen audio offline/online. - User can share links of their favorites audio/video/news with friends/family members/contacts
- A unique referral code to each user has been provided to encourage sharing application.
- Feedback functionality is implemented to get user's opinion/suggestion on the quality of app.