An Irrevocable testament to the insane abilities of our modern devices.
I hesitate to call this... this stunning work of art a game, it’s more akin to an “experience”. Unlike with modern “triple A” titles where the player influences a change on a game’s world, this game changes YOU. I found after only a few short hours of time, I began having new thoughts... that which was surreal became real... that which was convoluted became simple... and the dark recesses of my mind were lit for the first time in ages as I came to terms with what it meant to be human, to be alive, and to load.
The investment of my time has rewarded me with meditative powers unbeknownst to most mortals.
Just when I thought I had this application figured out, I discovered my new favorite feature: “WATCH AD FOR FUN!”. I won’t spoil the surprise so you’ll just have to download the app and find out what makes it so special.