When I first loaded in I heard the MUSIC, It made me dizzy and it was distracting, so I hit play, this is why I gave u 2stars, I liked how I had the choice to be in a level or in free play. I felt disturbed when I could not be a Female. Then I collected things in free play, and I couldn’t craft! So I basically just sat collecting.. I could not even kill a bunny?! I didn’t like the level thing at all. Back to the Characters, You should be able to costamize it, like making the eyes blue and making the hair red! The graphics were ok! You should have a thirst meter. And u should also add buttons to pick things up, and not go into first person, I hated that.So over all there’s more but these are more of the bigger ones you should also be able to see predators and befriend some! But Anyways if ur looking for a more of a survival one I’d go to, ‘Ark Survival Evolved’.. Get back to me once u can fix for of this..