small corrections on domain links and docs
- IPhone X display bug fixes.
- Minor bugs.
- Minor bug fixes
- Frameworks modifications for Appstore review guideline compliance.
Minor update mainly to reflect changes in the Everyplay sdk:
- Everyplay sdk update : v2.2.0.
- Audiobus sdk update : v3.0.3.
- Bug fix: crash on opening file when not enough ram available. Now displays error message.
- Documentation corrections, changes, and updates : new performance tips section, video capture section, new AB remote section.
- User can now choose what to do with recorded video : no more automatic save in the photo album.
▶ bugs fixes to previous 2.72:
• Fixed: second screen display resolution problem on IOS 11.
• Fixed: soundBuffer sometimes crashing the app when device very low on RAM.
• Audiobus remote control button icons problem fixed.
• Photo Library permission check on startup improved.
▶ 3 small fixes to previous 2.71:
• Fixed: bug when sharing video to Everyplay.
• Fixed: bug on first connection when closing Everyplay panel.
• Fixed: bug on iPhone when clicking on the Everyplay social media.
▶ From 2.62 new features are:
• Audiobus-SDK-3.0.3 integration.
• Audiobus: K Machine can now be used as a filter. The filter only passthrough the input sound, but is useful to add the K Machine as a filter in AUM.
• Audiobus trigger: start/stop and rewind.
• Audiobus State Saving for specific project.
• 4 New sound effects available for each track: gate, delay, limiter, clipper.
• Auto fade in/out to avoid previous sound glitch on tempo change when selected loop change.
• New buffer type: raw sound data, accessible in glsl through ‘soundBuffer’ texture uniform parameter.
• User settings: configurable vertices number up to 1 million points: 3 possible values: 65536, 262144 and 1048576 (These are the maximum particles/vertices number, used when not 'KVerticesNumber' set in the glsl code).
• User settings configurable frequencies buffer width for better precision on frequencies datas.
• User settings configurable size for raw sound data buffer: 3 possible sizes.
• User settings : new transition open GL rendering mode available, "Points" for smoother transition when using large number of vertices.
• New 'loopProgress' glsl uniform parameter, with value 0. (loop start) to 1.(loop end).
• Audiobus Remote integration: K Machine can now be control from the Audiobus remote app, with start/stop playing sequential, start/stop playing record, mute control for each track.
• 25 new vertex shaders files, grouped in the ‘SHADERS_Default_V2_7’ directory.
• 2 new Example shaders files: one for ‘loopProgress’ parameter, and one for ‘soundBuffer’ parameter.
• Smooth project loading and saving.
• Hard reset feature.
• Audio and visual engines optimizations.
• Many bug fixed (Audiobus port visibility, open in in IOS 11...).
▶ 3 small fixes to previous 2.71:
• Fixed: bug when sharing video to Everyplay.
• Fixed: bug on first connection when closing Everyplay panel.
• Fixed: bug on iPhone when clicking on the Everyplay social media.
▶ From 2.62 new features are:
• Audiobus-SDK-3.0.3 integration.
• Audiobus: K Machine can now be used as a filter. The filter only passthrough the input sound, but is useful to add the K Machine as a filter in AUM.
• Audiobus trigger: start/stop and rewind.
• Audiobus State Saving for specific project.
• 4 New sound effects available for each track: gate, delay, limiter, clipper.
• Auto fade in/out to avoid previous sound glitch on tempo change when selected loop change.
• New buffer type: raw sound data, accessible in glsl through ‘soundBuffer’ texture uniform parameter.
• User settings: configurable vertices number up to 1 million points: 3 possible values: 65536, 262144 and 1048576 (These are the maximum particles/vertices number, used when not 'KVerticesNumber' set in the glsl code).
• User settings configurable frequencies buffer width for better precision on frequencies datas.
• User settings configurable size for raw sound data buffer: 3 possible sizes.
• User settings : new transition open GL rendering mode available, "Points" for smoother transition when using large number of vertices.
• New 'loopProgress' glsl uniform parameter, with value 0. (loop start) to 1.(loop end).
• Audiobus Remote integration: K Machine can now be control from the Audiobus remote app, with start/stop playing sequential, start/stop playing record, mute control for each track.
• 25 new vertex shaders files, grouped in the ‘SHADERS_Default_V2_7’ directory.
• 2 new Example shaders files: one for ‘loopProgress’ parameter, and one for ‘soundBuffer’ parameter.
• Smooth project loading and saving.
• Hard reset feature.
• Audio and visual engines optimizations.
• Many bug fixed (Audiobus port visibility, open in in IOS 11...).
• Audiobus-SDK-3.0.3 integration.
• Audiobus: K Machine can now be used as a filter. The filter only passthrough the input sound, but is useful to add the K Machine as a filter in AUM.
• Audiobus trigger: start/stop and rewind.
• Audiobus State Saving for specific project.
• 4 New sound effects available for each track: gate, delay, limiter, clipper.
• Auto fade in/out to avoid previous sound glitch on tempo change when selected loop change.
• New buffer type: raw sound data, accessible in glsl through ‘soundBuffer’ texture uniform parameter.
• User settings: configurable vertices number up to 1 million points: 3 possible values: 65536, 262144 and 1048576 (These are the maximum particles/vertices number, used when not 'KVerticesNumber' set in the glsl code).
• User settings configurable frequencies buffer width for better precision on frequencies datas.
• User settings configurable size for raw sound data buffer: 3 possible sizes.
• User settings : new transition open GL rendering mode available, "Points" for smoother transition when using large number of vertices.
• New 'loopProgress' glsl uniform parameter, with value 0. (loop start) to 1.(loop end).
• Audiobus Remote integration: K Machine can now be control from the Audiobus remote app, with start/stop playing sequential, start/stop playing record, mute control for each track.
• 25 new vertex shaders files, grouped in the ‘SHADERS_Default_V2_7’ directory.
• 2 new Example shaders files: one for ‘loopProgress’ parameter, and one for ‘soundBuffer’ parameter.
• Smooth project loading and saving.
• Hard reset feature.
• Audio and visual engines optimizations.
• Many bug fixed (Audiobus port visibility, open in in IOS 11...).
* just a fix to Audioshare bug on previous 2.61
other new feature same as 2.61:
* Ableton Link support.
* New 'Tempo bypass' controller in the main audio track panel. When on, the loop specific tempo is not applied on entering loop (useful when using AB Link and don't want the tempo to be changed by K Machine on each loop selection).
* Input level moved from 'user setting' panel to the 'main audio' controllers panel, now a project global controller.
* Zip export:
- any shaders or sounds samples folder can be exported as zipped file.
- any project can be export as zipped file, containing the main project and all it's dependencies (audio samples and shaders files).
* Zip import:
- any zipped folder of shader or audio samples can be export as a zipped file.
- any zipped project can be imported. The main project file and all it's dependencies will be automatically installed.
* "Open in..." feature.
- any .glsl (shader file), .wav or .aiff, and .zip file can be opened by the K Machine.
- From the K Machine, any .wav/aiff or .glsl file can be opened in any app integrating the 'Open in' feature for this kind of file. For example, .glsl shaders file can be opened in text editor for code edition.
* Audioshare can be used for shader file importation.
* Link to video tutorials Youtube channel added in the Infos section.
* Link to the K Machine Forum added to the Infos section.
* Randomization button added to the sequencer tools panel.
* Loop selection tools enhanced.
* Overall stability greatly enhanced.
* Split tool automatically turns off after event split.
* Updated documentation.
* Simplified code for adding controllers in glsl files (no more need to assign a specific number to each controller).
* Lots a smaller bugs fixed.
* AudioShare can also be used for shader files transfers.
* 6 new shaders + 4 glsl examples shaders.
* Ableton Link support.
* New 'Tempo bypass' controller in the main audio track panel. When on, the loop specific tempo is not applied on entering loop (useful when using AB Link and don't want the tempo to be changed by K Machine on each loop selection).
* Input level moved from 'user setting' panel to the 'main audio' controllers panel, now a project global controller.
* Zip export:
- any shaders or sounds samples folder can be exported as zipped file.
- any project can be export as zipped file, containing the main project and all it's dependencies (audio samples and shaders files).
* Zip import:
- any zipped folder of shader or audio samples can be export as a zipped file.
- any zipped project can be imported. The main project file and all it's dependencies will be automatically installed.
* "Open in..." feature.
- any .glsl (shader file), .wav or .aiff, and .zip file can be opened by the K Machine.
- From the K Machine, any .wav/aiff or .glsl file can be opened in any app integrating the 'Open in' feature for this kind of file. For example, .glsl shaders file can be opened in text editor for code edition.
* Audioshare can be used for shader file importation.
* Link to video tutorials Youtube channel added in the Infos section.
* Link to the K Machine Forum added to the Infos section.
* Randomization button added to the sequencer tools panel.
* Loop selection tools enhanced.
* Overall stability greatly enhanced.
* Split tool automatically turns off after event split.
* Updated documentation.
* Simplified code for adding controllers in glsl files (no more need to assign a specific number to each controller).
* Lots a smaller bugs fixed.
* AudioShare can also be used for shader files transfers.
* 6 new shaders + 4 glsl examples shaders.
* Start/Stop animation button
* Audiopaste: samples are copied in the selected directory
* Audiostore
* Select a portion of a loop for more precise edition.
(controllers changes only apply to the selected portion of the loop)
* 'Transition duration' controller on the visual track.
Allow to modulate shaders transition from 0 to 1000 ms
* Name of the parameters set in the shader file code appear automatically in the controllers labels.
* Users settings, option to load last saved file on startup.
* Fixed bug that was randomly and occasionally crash the application.
* Fixed bug creating imprecision on parameter controllers fine settings
* Fixed bug creating imprecision on background color parameter controller
* Fixed bug when loading shader files from window.
* Fixed sound glitches on track opening
* Overall stability and speed improvements.
-minor bug fixes:
*Controller-finger mapping bug (touching outside selectors was sometimes selecting the scene behind)
*Help window bug (touching outside help button was sometimes selecting the scene behind)
*Bug when space in directory name
*Bug on directory and files names, when creating a directory or file with space char in it. Now spaces and special characters are not allowed and will trigger a warning.
*Bug on Main Audio Track>>3B Equalizer : parameter 'High' was behaving as a local controller.
-2 typos modifications
-3 new visual glsl shaders:
*shader_TriangleSolarXYZControlled.glsl (parameters 5,6,7 control position on x, y, and z axis)
K Machine is back with a completely new v2 version !
You can now upload you own audio samples (up to 24
simultaneous different samples) through Audioshare or ITunes File Sharing, have access to all the audio parameters of each track, upload your own visual shaders though ITune file sharing, unlimited number of loops, save/load your projects, have access to a sequencer for each track's parameters (including visual track).
Almost every controller can be mapped to up to 3 finger positions on the screen, or assigned a randomisation event.
Visual shader files are 100% compatible with vertexshaderart.com's vertex shaders, so you can work on your shaders online on vertexshaderart.com and then import in the KMachine (through ITunes File Sharing).
Shaders have access to sound frequencies history(about 2,4 sec) through texture access and screen touch history.
And a ingenious 'code in the comments' allows to expose up to 8 float parameters of your .glsl code to the Machine.
Complete (almost) list of new features:
-Audiobus 2.3.1 added, one receiver port, one sender port.
-Samples import with AudioShare.
-Shader/Audio files/animations files import with ITune file sharing
-Project can be saved/open in .kol format in the Documents.
-Live video capture through EveryPlay. Captured video are automatically saved to the photo album, and can also be shared on youtube or EveryPlay space.
-3 Audio Samples Tracks, each with:
Up to 8 players, supporting wav or aiff 44100 Hz files
Controls for:
Tempo Factor
3 parameters Flanger
4 parameters Reverb
Filter Resonant LowPass
Filter Resonant HiPass
Filter LowShelf
Filter HighShelf
Filter Parameteric
-Main Audio track, with:
Tempo BPM, Beats per scene (local parameters).
Global Volume as animation parameters.
3 band Equalizer as animation parameters.
-Visual track, with:
Background color parameter.
Up to 8 loaded glsl shaders.
Up to 8 shaders parameters exposed from the glsl code.
-Loop edition tools:
Unlimited number of loops
Clone current loop to end of the animation
Delete current loop
Copy/Paste current loop
-Play/Record tools:
Play animation sequencially
User action recorder save the actions to the project.
Start/Stop live video capture
Captured video is automatically saved in photo album
Possibility to share video on Everyplay
- 2 action modes added: change first event, no change
- 3 levels of rendering quality to adapt the rendering to your device.
- second screen projection without UI for live performances.
- Configurable beat per loop for each loop
- Configurable tempo for each loop
- immediate loop switching on touch event
- event splitting function allowing 1/2-1/3-1/5-1/7-1/11
Check/subscribe for more infos and demos:
v 1.0.1 Only minor bug fixes
Note : Samples import and deeper audio and visual parameters controls are almost ready and should be available for the next release. Be patient, and subscribe to notifications ;)