Kandinsky is an AI Based wallpaper generator. A process inspired by biological evolution that is called evolutionary algorithms is behind what Kandinsky employs to generate wallpapers. The app automatically generated a mathematical DNA. It then converts that DNA into an image. Kandinsky is able to generate endless variations of a particular wallpaper by slightly mutating the DNA of an existing wallpaper, allowing you to explore endless possibilities and creations.
If you like a wallpaper that you have generated, you can have Kandinsky generate many more similar to the one you like with the press of a button.
Every wallpaper is unique. No one will have the same exact wallpaper,
We are always working hard on expanding the capabilities of Kandinsky’s algorithms to increase the diversity in the styles of wallpapers it can generate.
Save unlimited wallpapers to your device
Create endless variations of the same wallpaper
Every wallpaper will automatically fit your screen resolution
Version history
Updates are to library versions used to build the app.
Ability to rate the app
Ability to share a link of the app with others and user interface improvements.
There’s no control over what is created. Website describes this function: “Download images in a custom resolution. Simply enter the resolution you like and Kandinsky will regenerate the image to fit the exact size.“ But I cannot find this function in the app! There is also no ability to add color you would prefer. It’s great that this app will generate random images, but it would be great to have these two features...and I tried writing a review and I couldn’t!