There have been a number of exciting changes to the game play in the "Am I OK?" game in this latest version of K'Bro:
-The Progress System has received a complete revamp, you may not notice this change directly, it plays a big role in how your level progress is saved and loaded into the game.
-UI Optimizations to assist the ever growing device options available and the multitude of resolutions therein
-Character Movement Restyling Moving towards a more Arcade Movement style
-Enemy and Level End Integrations, another one that you as a user might not notice directly, but a change which allows the app to run more smoothly both during the "Am I OK?" game, transitioning between levels, and integration of the new Progress System
-We've also changed some of the language used for a wider range of genders and orientations.
Enjoy the updates and let us know what you think by contacting us at
[email protected]