Kidme Work - dla pracowników Cheats

Kidme Work - dla pracowników Hack 9.9.1 + Redeem Codes

Aplikacja dla pracowników

Developer: Kidme Project
Category: Education
Price: Free
Version: 9.9.1


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Aplikacja mobilna Kidme work pozwala w bezpieczny i wygodny sposób prowadzić codzienne zadania związane z Pracą w Przedszkolu i Systemem Kidme.

Dzięki naszemu systemowi możesz także:
- Sprawdzać obecność
- Przeglądać tablicę powiadomień oraz kalendarz przedszkola
- Kontaktować się z rodzicami
- Wysyłać zdjęcia i dokumenty do rodziców
i wiele innych.

Jeśli przedszkole w którym pracujesz nie należy jeszcze do "Programu Kidme", możesz je zgłosić na naszej stronie www.

Version history

Thanks for using Kidme app! This release welcomes some improvements under the hood, along some general bug fixes that make Kidme better for You!
To make sure you dont’t miss a thing, just keep Your Updates turned on.
Love Kidme app? Rate us! Your feedback keeps the Kidme app better.
Have a question or problem? Write to us: [email protected]
Thanks for using Kidme app! This release welcomes some improvements under the hood, along some general bug fixes that make Kidme better for You!
To make sure you dont’t miss a thing, just keep Your Updates turned on.
Love Kidme app? Rate us! Your feedback keeps the Kidme app better.
Have a question or problem? Write to us: [email protected]
Thanks for using Kidme app! This release welcomes some improvements under the hood, along some general bug fixes that make Kidme better for You!
To make sure you dont’t miss a thing, just keep Your Updates turned on.
Love Kidme app? Rate us! Your feedback keeps the Kidme app better.
Have a question or problem? Write to us: [email protected]
Thanks for using Kidme app! This release welcomes some improvements under the hood, along some general bug fixes that make Kidme better for You!
To make sure you dont’t miss a thing, just keep Your Updates turned on.
Love Kidme app? Rate us! Your feedback keeps the Kidme app better.
Have a question or problem? Write to us: [email protected]
Thanks for using Kidme app! We update the Kidme app as offten as possible to make it faster and more reliable for you.
Some improvements in this version include:
- Mark appetite regardless of the kids status
- Add diagnostics with one click
- Keep a diary on your phone
- Configure payments and bill bills on your phone
- Maintain a separate attendance list for selected extracurricular activities
- Upload menus straight from your phone
and many more minor changes and improvements ...
To make sure you dont’t miss a thing, just keep your Updates turned on.
Love Kidme app? Rate us! Your feedback keeps the Kidme app better.
Have a question or problem? Write to us: [email protected]

Thanks for using Kidme app! We update the Kidme app as offten as possible to make it faster and more reliable for you.
Some improvements in this version include:
- Mark appetite regardless of the kids status
- Add diagnostics with one click
- Keep a diary on your phone
- Configure payments and bill bills on your phone
- Maintain a separate attendance list for selected extracurricular activities
- Upload menus straight from your phone
and many more minor changes and improvements ...
To make sure you dont’t miss a thing, just keep your Updates turned on.
Love Kidme app? Rate us! Your feedback keeps the Kidme app better.
Have a question or problem? Write to us: [email protected]

Thanks for using Kidme app! We update the Kidme app as offten as possible to make it faster and more reliable for you.
Some improvements in this version include:
- Mark appetite regardless of the kids status
- Add diagnostics with one click
- Keep a diary on your phone
- Configure payments and bill bills on your phone
- Maintain a separate attendance list for selected extracurricular activities
- Upload menus straight from your phone
and many more minor changes and improvements ...
To make sure you dont’t miss a thing, just keep your Updates turned on.
Love Kidme app? Rate us! Your feedback keeps the Kidme app better.
Have a question or problem? Write to us: [email protected]
Thanks for using Kidme app! We update the Kidme app as offten as possible to make it faster and more reliable for you.
Some improvements in this version include:
- Mark appetite regardless of the kids status
- Add diagnostics with one click
- Keep a diary on your phone
- Configure payments and bill bills on your phone
- Maintain a separate attendance list for selected extracurricular activities
- Upload menus straight from your phone
and many more minor changes and improvements ...
To make sure you dont’t miss a thing, just keep your Updates turned on.
Love Kidme app? Rate us! Your feedback keeps the Kidme app better.
Have a question or problem? Write to us: [email protected]
Thanks for using Kidme app! We update the Kidme app as offten as possible to make it faster and more reliable for you.

Bug fixes and improvements in this version include:
- Now You can add photo to favorites tab in app
- We create section named "last downloads" for your comfort
- We add RKO Form
- UI & UX improvement on homesecreen & payment section
- Bug fixes & stability improvement for bad network coverage

To make sure you dont’t miss a thing, just keep your Updates turned on.
Love Kidme app? Rate us! Your feedback keeps the Kidme app better.
Have a question or problem? Write to us: [email protected]
Thanks for using Kidme app! We update the Kidme app as offten as possible to make it faster and more reliable for you.

Bug fixes and improvements in this version include:
- Now You can add photo to favorites tab in app
- We create section named "last downloads" for your comfort
- We add RKO Form
- UI & UX improvement on homesecreen & payment section
- Bug fixes & stability improvement for bad network coverage

To make sure you dont’t miss a thing, just keep your Updates turned on.
Love Kidme app? Rate us! Your feedback keeps the Kidme app better.
Have a question or problem? Write to us: [email protected]
Thanks for using Kidme app! We update the Kidme app as offten as possible to make it faster and more reliable for you.
Bug fixes and improvements in this version include:
• Create & use templates for notifications. Sending notifications now is easier than ever
• Keep a diagnostic journal like never before. Use multiselect for kids list in diagnostics results
• Now You can add photo to favorites tab in app
• We create section named "last downloads" for your comfort
• UI & UX improvement on notification screen & diagnostic section
• Bug fixes & stability improvement for bad network coverage
To make sure you dont’t miss a thing, just keep your Updates turned on.
Love Kidme app? Rate us! Your feedback keeps the Kidme app better.
Have a question or problem? Write to us: [email protected]
Dodano informacje o alergich i chorobach w profilu dziecka.
Badge w powiadomienicha.
Poprawienie błędu dotyczącego panelu obecności.
Dodanie powiadomienia po pobraniu załącznika.
Usprawnienia graficzne.
Dodano powiadomienia dla zajęć dodatkowych oraz możliwość wysyłania załączników w chacie.
Dziękujemy że używasz naszej aplikacji! Nieustannie aktualizujemy aplikację Kidme, aby była szybsza i wygodniejsza w użytkowaniu.

Nowości i poprawki błędów w tej wersji:
- Aktualizacja aplikacji zgodnie z nowymi wymogami polityki przetwarzania danych Apple

Bądź zawsze na bieżąco z nowościami, upewnij się że masz włączone automatyczne aktualizacje.
Uwielbiasz Kidme? Oceń nas! Twoja opinia pozwala nam tworzyć lepszą aplikację.
Masz pytania lub problem? napisz do nas: [email protected]

Thanks for using Kidme app! We update the Kidme app as offten as possible to make it faster and more reliable for you.
Bug fixes and improvements in this version include:
- Policy update

To make sure you dont’t miss a thing, just keep your Updates turned on.
Love Kidme app? Rate us! Your feedback keeps the Kidme app better.
Have a question or problem? Write to us: [email protected]
Usprawnienia techniczne.
Zmiana domyślnego katalogu do pobierania plików na folder Download.
Zmiana domyślnego katalogu do pobierania plików na folder Download.
Dodanie pełnej daty do listy obecności w przypadku zgłoszenia nieobecności.
Zmiana domyślnego katalogu do pobierania plików na folder Download.
Poprawa powiadomień push.
Dodanie pełnej daty do listy obecności w przypadku zgłoszenia nieobecności.
Dziękujemy że używasz naszej aplikacji! Nieustannie aktualizujemy aplikację Kidme, aby była szybsza i wygodniejsza w użytkowaniu.

Nowości i poprawki błędów w tej wersji:
- Udoskonalenie funkcji kalendarza

Bądź zawsze na bieżąco z nowościami, upewnij się że masz włączone automatyczne aktualizacje.
Uwielbiasz Kidme? Oceń nas! Twoja opinia pozwala nam tworzyć lepszą aplikację.
Masz pytania lub problem? napisz do nas: [email protected]

Thanks for using Kidme app! We update the Kidme app as offten as possible to make it faster and more reliable for you.

Bug fixes and improvements in this version include:
- Datepicker improvement

To make sure you dont’t miss a thing, just keep your Updates turned on.
Love Kidme app? Rate us! Your feedback keeps the Kidme app better.
Have a question or problem? Write to us: [email protected]
Dodano nowy wygląd dla dziennika umiejętności, diagnostyki.
Dodano widok kalendarza.
Dodane badge'e dla powiadomień oraz czatu w głównym menu.
Usprawnienia aplikacji.
Poprawka przy ustalaniu godzin wejścia/wyjścia dziecka.

Ways to hack Kidme Work - dla pracowników

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