At high levels in Journey (589 and up) the game develops a stutter causing mis-placing of the tiles. Also, sometimes this stutter causes the game to crash.
loamy loam,
There should be more... so close
Great twist in the classic game. But it moves too slow and there should be increased difficulty as you move up in levels. There are no obstacles, there should be additional diamonds that do different kinds of explosions... gotta make it more interesting.
Doesn’t save level/tricky caveat
This is a fun game, but you have to start from level 0 every time you play; it does not save your progress. If you want your progress to be saved, you must finish the level. Don’t learn the hard way; I got to level 103 the first time, didn’t finish the level before I had to attend to something else, and then level 1 to level 133 and losing my progress before realizing you have to finish the level. UPDATED 9.30.19 - even finishing a level, if you don’t play continuously, you lose your progress.