Apple in-app purchase program support.
What's new
1. Optimizes live view and playback user experiences
2. Optimizes playback experience from local storage
3. Optimizes UI
4. Optimizes new device setup process
5. Added - quick setup for new device with bluetooth
6. Optimizes App alert messages - hold message to preview snapshot
7. Improves App stability and fluency.
1. This is an important update with a series of improvements.
2. The Cloud subscription on iOS is back with in-app Apple Pay.
3. The device live view UI now load options according the devices’ actual capabilities.
4. Redesigned live view and playback UI. Stronger video playback and backup functionalities.
5. Redesigned device setting menu and annotations and make device setting more intuitive.
6. Added - NVR general settings and update firmware from App.
7. Other improvements and optimizations.
1. Added schedule & motion recording settings for mini hubs.
2. Added - turn ON/ OFF App alerts for each device.
3. QR code scan UI brightness control.
4. Added - system log of login/ logout.
5. Optimized - 2-way audio of battery-powered cameras.
6. Added ‘alarm message’ permission option while sharing a device.
7. Added System messages.
8. Added ‘Direct connection’ mode for battery-powered cameras.
9. Optimized - viewing snapshots/ records in full screen.
10. Optimized - PTZ, preset and motion detection settings.
11. Added - power-saving mode for battery-powered cameras.
12. Optimized - video playback retrieving.
13. Optimized - PTZ control speed and digital zoom UI.
What's new
1. Fixed bug - no voice played when sound turned on.
2. Fixed bug - OSD time inaccurate on some devices.
3. Fixed bug - 2-way audio volume too low on SAMSUNG phones.
4. Fixed bug - recorded videos have no sound in some situations.
5. Fixed bug - App alert snapshots do not display in some situations.
6. Optimized - Cloud record and SD card record UI.
7. New feature - Cloud recordings now support fast forward playing.
8. New feature - PTZ cruise schedule.
9. Optmized - one key to delete motion sensing area and private zone settings.
10. Optimized - motion sensing area select.
11. Optimized - Cloud storage plan purchasing, order management, service pages. Coming soon.
12. Optimized - device list connection status messages.
13. Optimized - human detection UI.
14. Optimized - battery-powered camera settings.
15. Optimized - playback remembers timepoint of last replay.
16. Optimized - Help page in Me center, added user feedback port.
17. Optimized - add device UI.
18. Optimized - logout button moved to App setting page.
19. Added - 3rd party account login: Apple ID login and Google account login.
20. Added - Library shortcut to access saved snapshots & videos.
What's new
1. Fixed bug - App flashes out while accessing messages.
What's new
1. Optimized - VR camera display in full screen mode
2. Motion detection handling of devices with Cloud storage
3. Optimized PTZ control UI
4. Optmized live view/ playback UI
5. Added - schedule alarm periods for standalone cameras
6. Fixed - certain standalone cameras cannot be setup on iOS13
7. Added - app obtains bluetooth permission to improve compatibility with iOS13
8. Optmized - app alerts playback
9. Added - supports future new 4G SIM cameras
10. Optimized remote settings
11. Optimized App message
12. Added - search device in device list
13. Added - unbind phone number
14. Added - new user guide
15. Compatible with iOS13 dark mode
16. Added - privacy settings in Me center
What's new:
- Improved live view UI
- Added NVR security status check and advice.
What’s new:
Fixed bug - Cannot access snapshots/ Videos saved on mobile.
What's new:
Fixed bug: App flashes out on certain iOS devices with certain iOS version.
What's new:
1. Added on-screen setup guide for multiple new devices.
2. In camera list, added shortcuts to device sharing, device push messages, playback and settings.
3. Added device group feature - group up to 16 cameras to form multi-view at one tap.
4. Added - with new standalone cameras, App pushes video clips when motion detected.
5. Optimized - device password can contain special characters on new version.
6. Optimized - new PTZ cameras preset feature.
7. Optimized - device settings.
8. Optimized - PTZ camera presets settings.
9. Fixed other known issues.
Version 3.0.6 What's new:
1. On upper left corner, we added AT HOME/ AWAY one key switch for supported devices such as VR Space cameras. Please note, under AT HOME mode the cameras stop recording & pushing alerts. Camera kits with NVRs remain unaffected.
2. New version supports to register App account with mobile phone # now. Existed users who registered App accounts with USERNAMEs & Emails, please go ahead to login with your current combinations.
3. Added pan & tilt control in landscape mode.
4. Caches live views to access device list faster.
5. Added WiFi channel selection option for mini hub.
6. In device’s setting menu, added Video Backup & Share feature. Users can access device-stored video list and backup to mobiles.
7. Added permission controls for shared devices.
8. Optimized two way audio echo cancellation.
9. Fixed - unable to view devices in some IPv6 networks.
10. Optimized iOS decoding performance.
3.0.3 What’s new
1. Fixed bluetooth audio bug
2. Fixed bug: In some situations, App flashes out when access Snapshot/ Record
3. Optimized speed entering App
4. Revised messages to avoid login misunderstanding by old users.