The Kilometre Cube Neutrino Telescope (KM3NeT) is a giant new telescope currently under construction thousands of metres deep in the abysses of the Mediterranean Sea, offshore Southern France and Sicily.
The KM3NeT telecope detects neutrinos, fundamental particles produced in the cataclysmic death throes of exploding stars all across the Universe.
The KM3NeT App is a 3D event display for the Kilometre Cube Neutrino Telescope. It features:
- Descriptions of the detector apparatus
- Explanations of the physics goals of the experiment
- Standard or augmented reality 3D visualisation of events
- Generate random events or load actual data events
- Interactive rotation, zoom
- Multiple options to configure the 'look' of the event
- Drive a ROV or Crawler through the scene
- Fire muons at the detector
- Sonification of events
Although the app runs on an iPhone, the app experience is much better on an iPad.