* Message Boards: you can now get into conversations with others on their user profiles by posting comments or replying to answers
* Push Notifications for Comment Replies: stay informed by receiving a push message when someone posts a reply to you
* New, improved look of your User Profile and Spot Collection
* New Parental/Guardian Consent System for youth participation
* Bug fixes and improvements
* Mention other users in comments by writing @Username. The person mentioned receives a notification in the news feed.
* Make text stand out by writing ** something ** in bold or * something * in italics.
* New Data Visualization Interface: heat map view & dot map view of the data.
* New button for easier spot updates.
* Detection of existing metadata (time and place) in photos when uploading them from your photo album for use in the spot.
* Bug fixes and improvements.
* New content: read everything about the crow species, which you can observe in the app!
* Data quality: new checkbox as a reminder to check the location when entering a new crow observation