-updated to be compatible with newer devices
-late game particle performance optimization
-retuned swipe controls
-fixed bug where purple guy would not follow correctly in a long game
-new player error should be fixed, but scores may be deleted in order to fix it
-toggle between current button layout and layout where up and right are swapped
-tutorial animation removed
-better detection of taps and swipes
-scrolling should be a bit less jittery
-fixed bug where pause screen would not work while using button controls
-new tap control scheme (on by default)
-input now operates on a buffer
-wider angle for accepted up swipe
-fixed bug where player would keep slipping if they jumped off the top of a snake(thanks luke!)
-now that purple guys aren't permanent, I decided to make them pull down a little harder >:)
-purple guys no longer fall off on timer, instead if you hit a boost, snake, or reverse ladder
-more reliable data saving
-fixed bug where name would get erased on app open (this was the root of most leaderboard problems)
-pause button
-separate credits + settings screen
-toggle between taps and swipes
-toggle button sprites for tap control
-toggle pause button on
-toggle score on
-smaller arrows on ui guides
-bigger name entry bar
-border around ui screens
-input delay on tap to restart
-upward jump retuned a little
-tutorial animation will no longer trigger if you have a high score over 50
-purple guys drop off after a certain amount of time
-purple guys grant 50 pts upon death
-ladders are now deleted at a y value independent of screen size
-beginning generation changed to make impossible situations less likely
-boost ladders are now more likely to be salted in
-bug fixed where you get only slow ladders in the beginning
-names are aligned
-performance optimizations
-completely new UI! no more buttons
-backgrounds added to leaderboard + settings for readability
-by popular demand, the Ladderboard is back
-credits modified
-speed increase now happens in more of a ln(x) kinda way
-tutorial is only initiated if the player stops at the top of the first ladder
-particle colors changed to make them more noticeable at slow speeds
-eliminated bug where player would get stuck between 2 ladders
-speed decrease sfx louder and more reliable
-reverse ladders now tend to be longer
-intialization optimized
-seed changes every week!
-salting function revised to favor boosts over snakes
-generation is less divergent
-coins now spawn in lines towards the tops of ladders
-performance optimization for player-coin collisions
-rapid sfx play enabled
-fixed bug where coins were not deleted after a round
-leaderboard versions now operate separately from app versions
-more efficient data usage
-UI is now centered
-text for when you get a new high score
-sound for adding up scores
-volume changes are now saved
-credits added