Best Animal Life Game!! But, much like everyone else...
PLEASE make a multiplayer version! Like, a whole different app. Just like what you did with Life of Wolf. And if you do make Deer Online, please make it as hack-proof as possible. I used to play Wolf Online and Dinos Online till it fell to the hackers. I don't want to same to happen to Deer Online. (if you make Deer a online..)
Ok, here are the aspects of this game that I love so much:
1:You can see other players.
As I've progressed through the story, I have came across a few fawns that look just like me. It took me some time to figure out they were other players! Every time I see another fawn, I just around and try to play with them, though they rarely ever pay attention. X)
2: Wonderfully made models.
The deer, lions, stags, doe and gazelle all look so original! I love it!
3: Excellently written storyline.
While a bit of it feels kind of like Bambi, I do indeed love the story. I actually felt really upset at the ending.
Well, that's my review! I really REALLY hope Deer Online will happen!! You already have the models right here! And the three deer species we can play as can be: WhiteTail Deer, Gazelle, and Elk!