Are you ready to do your best to make your family happy? And your friends? Aaaand your boyfriend/girlfriend? And let's just not forget about the fame and style of your social media profile.
Swipe left or right to make the right choice, and manage your social profile like a boss!
We know, it's probably dead easy because you already have thousands of followers on 'gram, but Like Stars will challenge you with a variety of profiles to manage with different social lifestyles.
The game idea is cool. Managing your family, love, fame, and friends is interesting and I like management games in general. The problem is until you master the current character your stuck swiping through the same prompts and stats for a while, unless you want to just play the game for a high score. If they added some kind of other element or more randomized posts I think the game would be pretty fun.
I can see how this is a good idea but there needs to be some diversity in it. It very repetitive and can get boring extremely quickly.