More well-considered figures (25 of each of the 5 types), and an excellent reworking of functionality. Easier to replay same figure, but easier as well to explore new figures. Should you happen to boot out of a game in progress, when you reboot you face the identical configuration, allowing you, finally, to be able to try different approaches to the same problem. And the daily puzzle, instead of repeating the same figure, bounces around to a new figure each iteration. New mode of play, Infinite, challenges you to play as many games as you can without losing.
As always, I have no clue of the business model of games: no extras to buy, no fancier version you can pay up for, and if there are ANY ads I haven’t seen them. But god bless ‘em. Perhaps we’re getting lured into briquid mini.
Bug: bronze, silver, gold medals awarded 90% too soon. Rope level 57 no longer endlessly reiterates same unwinnable setup.