Luminary is a party game in which up to 10 people can compete for the title of "The Luminary". There is something for everyone in four different game modes. The game works best if you know the other players halfway, but it's also a good get-to-know-you game to break the ice. Players can expect loud laughter and naked truths. Even though the title is of course a very special one, always have in mind that fun and enjoyment of the game are the most important things.
You can freely set the number of rounds you want to play. When all rounds are played, or if you quit the game early, you will get to the statistics. Find out who can call themselves "The Luminary" and who is the nastiest person among you. After all, being the nastiest player is also an achievement ;).
There is also the Luminary sign and the challenges of the night #cotn. Fulfill the challenges of the night and get to know new people in a fun way.
The 4 game modes at a glance:
1. the game mode "Wild Mix" contains questions from all 3 other game modes. The variety guarantees fun and boredom is excluded!
2. the game mode "Never have I ever" works like the classic Never have I ever game. If a player has done it before, he receives a penalty and is marked in the player list. By tapping on the statement, the next statement appears and each marked player gets a point and a penalty. Whoever has the most points at the end wins the crown.
3. the game mode "back to back" randomly selects 2 people. They must sit back to back, or so that they do not see each other. Another person now reads out the statements. The two active players then point either to themselves, or to their counterpart. If both point to the same person, they get a point and the next question appears. If they do not both point to the same person, press the X and the next two players are chosen at random. The number of points received may be distributed to the others in penalties. Whoever has the most points at the end wins the crown.
4. the game mode "Who?" reveals how the others perceive you. On 3, everyone points at the same time to the person to whom the statement is most true. The person with the most votes is highlighted in the player list. By tapping on the statement, the next statement appears and the marked player gets a point and a penalty.
Each game mode contains over 1000 different statements.
The game is 100% FREE and there is NO extra charge for the full version. Download Luminary now and start playing immediately.
Have fun playing!