MagicLikes Instagram Follower Cheats

MagicLikes Instagram Follower Hack 1.2.5 + Redeem Codes

Boost Instagram Photo Likes

Developer: Grace Kuvalis
Category: Productivity
Price: Free
Version: 1.2.5


Game screenshot MagicLikes Instagram Follower mod apkGame screenshot MagicLikes Instagram Follower apkGame screenshot MagicLikes Instagram Follower hack


Are you tired of trying different apps for your required features?
At (CR)eative Studio we have studied and worked on a survey and asked users for top needed features for their Portrait Photos.
We came with 4 main features that most users asked for it.

1- Transform Photos: Our transform tool unifies cropping, flipping and rotation operations in one feature.
2- Background Removal: The remove background action is available for any pictures or (non-animated) personal and external stickers, where a face or human body can be detected.
3- Brush: The high performant brush engine is optimized for touch screen interaction and supports different brush strokes that can be edited in terms of thickness and color.
4- Filters: more than 60 high-quality filters with lightning fast processing.

Version history

1:1 and 16:9 (Landscape) transform rects are rotatable now.

- Rotate feature added for 1:1 and 16:9 crop ratios to use the rotate feature, open the transform tool and tap on rotate icon.

- Personalized Ads
- Push Notifications
1:1 and 16:9 (Landscape) transform rects are rotatable now.

- Rotate feature added for 1:1 and 16:9 crop ratios to use the rotate feature, open the transform tool and tap on rotate icon.

- Personalized Ads
- Push Notifications
1:1 and 16:9 (Landscape) transform rects are rotatable now.

- Rotate feature added for 1:1 and 16:9 crop ratios to use the rotate feature, open the transform tool and tap on rotate icon.

- Personalized Ads
- Push Notifications
1:1 and 16:9 (Landscape) transform rects are rotatable now.

- Rotate feature added for 1:1 and 16:9 crop ratios to use the rotate feature, open the transform tool and tap on rotate icon.

- Personalized Ads
- Push Notifications
1:1 and 16:9 (Landscape) transform rects are rotatable now.

- Rotate feature added for 1:1 and 16:9 crop ratios
To use the rotate feature, open the transform tool and tap on rotate icon.

- Personalized Ads
- Push Notifications
4:3 Crop Aspect with rotatable option added to transform tool.

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4.8 out of 5
730 Ratings


Carter Waelchi 85,
Been trying to land a girlfriend recently and having so much pre-instilled value is amazing
Odds are people are going through your instagram without you knowing, if your account is public. They’ve probably been recommended your profile and have tapped on your profile to see if you’re someone they know. If they see you have a few hundred likes on each picture, well that gives you immediate social status boost if you do happen to know them. People will ask themselves what it is about you that gets you so much attention; even if that thing doesn’t exist, they’ll start to come up with explanations for why you’re so popular. This is the beauty of silly internet points, they’re meaningless, just like a dollar bill, but because people give them value, THEY HAVE VALUE. Been getting a lot more acceptance from women because of this. Call me crazy but it works like black magic.
Davon Strosin,
Proved to be a far better alternative than facebook for networking
I’m a young college student and I’ve been using facebook for most of my college career to network, meaning I’d officialize and maintain connections. However, I don’t post that often on Facebook because most of my peers have moved onto other platforms. So I’ve had to move to instagram. Thankfully, this app has made the switch highly successful. It was hard getting followers at first, and it sucked as I knew I couldn’t now follow connections I’d made earlier that I’d forgotten to maintain. So, having these likes to guide me through my first few pictures and establishing a quick and steady rise of my following has been extremely crucial and beneficial.
Kenya Cruickshank,
No shame, no gain
The only actual setback you may feel is a little bit of fear that someone might call you out on purchasing likes, which is also known as shame. So yeah, you might have some people, maybe 1% of your followers, figure out that you’re using this app. That being said, it takes a snake to know a snake. Odds are, if they know you’re using it they understand the intricacies of the app, which means they use it themselves and can’t call you out on it otherwise they’d make themselves look as bad as they’re trying to make you out to be. I’ve gone through this process before, and it is a risk you have to take, but totally worth it even if you do get called out.
Dare Schamberger,
Has a surprising amount of utility
For such a simple app, it’s quite remarkable with regards to the kind of system they use, which is other users liking your photos, to create its own economy of likers and people who pay for likes. So if you’re a liker, you give likes to other likers, but more importantly, to people who pay for the likes. Given how cheap the likes are, I don’t see how anyone that owns a smartphone would not be able to afford a few dozen likes, which probably costs as much as a bowl of ramen. So in the economy, you’re better off being the buyer. Trust me, it’s worth swiping if you want a couple of likes for a single picture, but it’s 10x easier to just buy the likes and be done with it.
Rylan Krajcik,
Great if you’re a starting insta model
Just starting out as an instagram model and it’s been incredibly difficult finding people to like my page; each now follower is like finding a needle in a haystack. This app cuts down that process more than you could imagine; seriously, the amount of time and money I’ve saved just by getting likes through this app has honestly been insane. There are so many models that the lower end ones usually end up getting tossed out like garbage, but ad agencies see the amount of likes I get and get the false impression that I’m way more popular than I am. Thank you so much for everything. Wish I could give you a thousand stars
Runte Herman,
Used this for me and dad’s personal page, works wonderfully
My father and I have a personal page we upload our travel adventures to, where we find risky and dangerous locations for exotic and heavenly pictures, rarely seen parts of earth that need more views. We have to pay for adventures and unfortunately our followers don’t contribute very much to our gofundme. Thus, we decided to pay for our likes and bring more people to our page. It didn’t put a dent in our savings for this trip, but it certainly brought in more than we’d even hoped for. The user-base of this app is very friendly, generous, and giving, as far as we’ve come to notice. THANK YOU!
Ernestina Kuhic,
This is the future
Kinda hard to imagine the benefits that come with purchasing social media likes. Seems stupid and base, like you’re really that childish enough to partake, not only in social media, but in purchasing likes to make yourself feel better?? Well, given how much time people spend on it, I’d say you’re actually more mature by not playing into it and wasting your time liking everyone else’s photos to get likes on your photo. You’re more mature because you just stand back and derive social value and merit from an external service, without the need for your followers to give you any likes, but only for them to sit and observe your status.
Jaylon Carroll,
Tagged all my friends and almost none liked it, so I felt like garbage
Found a new group and friends and recently we went out for beach volleyball and we took a massive 20 person picture. I tagged all of them on instagram, some of them I was following and they weren’t even following me back. Regardless, I seriously was hoping to get likes from them, and of course, almost none. Literally only like two of them liked it. So I decided to untag each and every one of them, and purchase the likes. Funny how only after I untagged them and after they started seeing how many likes I was getting did they start liking the photo. People are fickle.
Margaret Wuckert,
Wishing I’d known about this earlier
Like I’m thinking of all the ways I could’ve used this app creatively, or all the posts I wouldn’t have had to delete 20 minutes after posting out of the embarrassment or fear of getting 0 likes, increased by not getting any likes in those 20 minutes. For one I would’ve freaked out some friends and gotten them like a thousand likes on their worst/best pictures, depending on the friend. But for me, this would’ve saved me so much stress and anxiety in the past. It’s honestly absurd that social media made me this afraid, but that’s how it goes for most of us gals, and this is a lock-in-key type solution, so thank you.
Douglas Fisher 84,
Excellent value for what you pay
The likes-dollar ratio is honestly a little dumb. Creators of this app are being a bit too generous I think, and I’m only saying this because I’ve made my purchases and I’m done for now. But also, seriously realize that thousands of likes only costs a few bucks, which could mean a load of social boost points for your loser self. I’m still in that same boat, but I’ve got some kind of value on my belt and a false sense of confidence. Criticize as you will, but that confidence translates into reality and you get results, so idfc if you think it’s immoral, and I don’t think the developers making bank do either.