Wow. A few months back I had the privilege of meeting Dr. AnnMaria De Mars. As an MIT Graduate and former Researcher (in Gaming and Comp Sci), I found her and her company's quest for new, more insightful ways of Education, astounding.
7 Generation Games is not going for a big sell-out on Wall Street, or trying to become the next social media 'fad.'
No. Like my parents who where both teachers, she believes in using new technologies to educate - in a more intuitive, entertaining and fundamentally efficient way.
When you do the research on this company, AND Dr DeMars (Ronda Rousey's mom, Maria-Burns Ortiz's mom and the first judoka / woman ever to bring home a World Championship in Judo-try to top that!), you realize besides the amazing job she has done with all her daughters, Dr DeMars has really tapped into something new in Education.
Not only do our young students love this game our family's kids are asking all kinds of questions while they earn all their prizes.