- Eyes added. Now you can unlock more than 50 eyes to customize the marble (you can disable this).
- Trail's color now can be changed for every marble.
- Added ability to turn on the countdown at the start of the race.
- You can change the duration of the starting spinner.
- Minor bug fixes.
- Teams mode was reworked. Now you can select from 2 to 8 teams and from 2 to 30 marbles (maximum marbles amount is dependent on the teams amount)
- Tracks system was reworked. Now you can not only pick tracks and one of them will be randomly spawned at the level, but also make your own order of tracks. So you can control which track will be played first, second etc
- Added button “Speed 2x”, which can be used in spectator mode or after your marble got to the finish
- Added button “Random”, now after your marble finished or in spectator mode you don’t need to wait and watch other marbles finish the race, just click “Random” button and the level will end, while not finished marbles will randomly get their points/be eliminated.
- Minor bugs were fixed
- Added ability to create custom marbles - just upload any image from your phone gallery and play with it in the game!
- Added spectator mode.
- Bugs in Teams mode were fixed.
- Marbles in Beat the Keeper mode will slide to the centre faster. Starting rotation circle was moved from the top of the screen.
- Bug where during first play marbles couldn't appear was fixed.
- Additionally small bugs were fixed.
- Editor menu was updated.
- Reworked League mode has returned
- New World Cup Special mode was added. You can play any of 32 countries in this mode without having them.
- Major bugs fixed
Meet the 2.0 version!
- Totally remake UI
- Temporarily remove Zombie, Multiply or Release, Levels and Duels mode.
- Football mode was added
- Added flexibility to choose marbles amount, eliminations per round
- Huge amount of bugs fixed
- Temporarily remove Multiplayer mode.
All temporarily removed modes are currently in remake process and will be added back soon
- Few bugs were fixed
- Added 4 new marbles
- Added states (109 marbles). Now you can pick state/region to play instead of country
- Added 5 new levels
- Added 2 new color themes
- Major bug fixes
- Minor UI changes
- Level editor was added. Now user can create up to 12 custom levels and play them.
- Home button was added to every page. Now user can quickly jump to the main menu with one button without visiting all previous pages.
- Bugs in Duels Mode were fixed.
- Minor UI bugs were fixed.
- Levels mode was reworked. Amount of marbles was reduced from 30 to 15. Now you can collect medals for competing levels. You can also play all levels from the start.
- Emeralds reward became more flexible giving more emeralds for difficult races and less emeralds for easy races.
- Tournament mode with groups and play off bracket was added.
- Zombie mode with zombie marbles was added.
- Added 10 zombie skins.
- League mode where marbles are gaining points every round was added.
- Major UI rework. Text buttons were replaced with icons.
- Now you can create your own color themes for obstacles in settings.
- You can turn on/off marble’s trail.
- Added buttons to choose all or none obstacles.
- Bug which allowed to start race with 0 selected levels was fixed.
- Other minor UI and in-game bugs were fixed.
- Multiply or Release mode was added
- Added 3 special features for Multiply or Release mode which are “Add”, “3x Multiplier”, “Free Release”.
- Added color picker for tiles in Multiple or Release mode
-Fixed bugs with different resolutions in Beat The Keeper mode
- Added Beat The Keeper mode for 2-8 marbles
- Added 4 new countryballs (UK countries)
- Added ability to choose which obstacles to enable and disable in all modes (in customization)
- Major bug fixes
- Minor UI changes
- Added 5 new obstacles
- Added 45 new countries and 10 new colors
- Starting time was reduced while starting circle was enlarged
- There are now abilities to reset the race if marbles are stuck and pause the game
- White theme was added
The biggest update part 2:
-Added spectator mode.
-Added ability to spectate the race after you finished it and help stuck marbles with double tap.
-Elimination mode was reworked. Now you can customize every enemy and choose amount of marbles (5-100) and amount of eliminations each round.
-UI got minor updates.
-Bugs in Teams and Battle mode were fixed.
Bugs in updated Teams mode were fixed
The biggest update part 1:
- Battle mode was reworked. Now you can customize every enemy and choose amount of marbles (2-7) and amount of points to win.
- Team mode was reworked. Now you can choose amount of teams (2-4), amount of marbles in each team (3-12) and amount of eliminations each round. You can now make teams marble race for up to 48 marbles and customize all your enemies.
- UI got minor updates. Buttons "Menu" and "Back" have now icons and take less place on the screen.
- You can now watch ad to get 2x emeralds after the winning race.
- Level 28 was changed to another one.
Added 40 new countries.
Added 20 new colors.
Changed UI for customization.
Minor bug in levels were fixed.
Added ability to buy emeralds and remove ads.
Minor obstacle bugs were fixed.
Battle mode bug was fixed.
Minor Skin UI bugs were fixed.
Added 10 new obstacles.
Added 60 new colors and 60 new countries.
Changed colors and countries price to 3 emeralds.
Added Light mode which changes color of background and obstacles.
Minor UI fixes.
Finally MULTIPLAYER mode added, where you can compete in 2-5 players Battle mode!
Minor bug fixes.
New "Team" battle mode was added where you need to build your team of 5 marbles and beat 3 enemy teams. Each round last 4 marbles are eliminated.
Few bugs with skins were fixed.
Bugs in Battle mode were fixed.
Added new Boss Rush mode, where you need to win 10 1vs1 duels in a raw.
Major UI update. Now the game looks more modern.
A lot of productivity bugs were fixed.
Added 10 new colors and 10 new countries.
Starting circle's size was increased.
Added pointer above your marble, so you can now quickly find it.
Bugs with Battle Mode where fixed.
Changed name of Tournament mode to Elimination mode. Added additional information in tutorial.
Added new mode Battle where you can play against 4 enemy marbles. After each race first finished marble gets the point. The winner is the first marble which got 5 points.
Added feature to choose your enemies in the Battle mode.
Bug with leaderboard when player was unable to increment his score was fixed.