Some of the misspellings change the meaning of the question or response, like “firearm” for “forearm.” Obviously a “firearm” is not “part of the arm below the elbow.” Others are just sloppy and annoying, “avirary” for “aviary,” “statosphere” for “stratosphere.” The most frustrating issue is when a correct answer is marked as wrong, but is given as the correct response in the question explanation. For example: “earth:______::mars: phobos.” The answer is “moon,” but it’s marked as incorrect. When you tap the explanation, “Venus” is listed as the correct response in green at the top, but the explanation itself reads, “The moon is a satellite of earth. Phobos is a satellite of Mars.” I’ve encountered six examples of this particular error so far. It’s really too bad, because this would be the best MAT prep app I’ve found without all the sloppy mistakes.