I FINISHED THE GAME, ONLY 200 LEVELS SO FAR SO WHEN IS THE NEW UPDATE...? YOU SHOULD MAKE THIS LIKE CANDY CRUSH WHERE THEY UPDATE NEW LEVELS EVERY WEEK. But anyways this game is by far the best game I have played in years, even better than what I am playing right now-Pokémon Go and Peggle Blast. It’s that kind of game where you if you lose, you’re scream and get really stressed out; which build abdrenaline and makes you continue playing. There are ads after ever level, I gotta admit. But to get past this, all you gotta do is, before you play the game, take out your WiFi (also the cellular data in your settings). This will definitely remove all the ads and you can enjoy whenever you want, the after you lose your lives...turn your WiFi back on and it will be like nothing ever happened! The downside of this is that you won’t have that free ad-revive if you lose your life! Overall, I recommend 100% and recommend you doing my ad trick to remove it totally!
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